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Key Details of PasswdElf

  • Manage and query your passwords with only two hot keys.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 3 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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PasswdElf 0/3

Developer’s Description

Manage and query your passwords with only two hot keys.
PasswdElf is "The Easiest" personal passwd management tool. You can manage and query your passwds very easy, only need two hotkeys (Add: Alt+A; Query: Alt+Q). It is a portable software, you can unzip it to a folder to use, not need setup it. And you can copy it to a USB driver and take it along with you. The features are as follows:1. PasswdElf is still very "hommization": Usually she does not appear to bother you, but when you need her, she will promptly appeared in front of you (you only need a hotkey).2. Passwd query is very "easy-to-use" (3 steps): 1) Open Query Page: Quickly open the passwd query page only need a hotkey (default is Alt+Q). 2) Query Passwd: You can input the keywords (no matter where the focus) to query your passwd. And you can input several keywords separated them by SPACE to quickly position the passwd you want. 3) Copy Passwd to Clipboard: You can copy the passwd to clipboard (selected line) by hotkey (Ctrl+C) or by check the 'Direct Copy' option. It will keep 10 seconds on clipboard.3. Passwd is very "security": 1) The Passwd DB File is encrypted by login passwd: The more complex of the login passwd, the stronger of the security. And the passwd DB file is at localhost, everything is in your own hand. 2) Login Passwd Setting: The options are: NotNeedPasswd, OnlyOnce, EachActivation, EachQuery or xFromLastQuery. The most convenient way is NotNeedPasswd, and the safest way is input login passwd EachQuery. 3) Show Passwd Option: Check "Show Passwd" to show the passwd, or not check to show passwd as ****. 4) Keep passwd only 30 seconds: The passwd will keep 30 seconds, then auto cover it. 5) Security Suggestion: Only save part of the passwd, for example: the passwd is '12AB@#', and then save 'AB@#' to PasswdElf. After query it, add '12' to the header manually. This way is very security, and you only need remember fixed string, security and easily.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows 8
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