Celtic Woman - Dulaman

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Celtic Woman - Dúlamán
    Trad. Arr D. Downes
    Publisher: Liffey Music
    From Celtic Woman’s DVD ‘A New Journey’
    Video Director: Declan Lowney
    Producer: Ned O’Hanlon
    Executive Producers: Dave Kavanagh, Peter Brady
    Production Company: Celtic Woman Ltd.
    Music Produced and orchestrated by David Downes
    © 2006 Celtic Woman Limited under exclusive license to UMG Recordings, Inc.
  • ВидеоклипыВидеоклипы

Комментарии • 147

  • @jessicarupe9199
    @jessicarupe9199 Год назад +134

    Meav is obviously having fun singing this! In all of the Celtic Woman videos I have seen all of the ladies look like they're having a blast on stage. I love seeing it, always makes me smile.

    • @ClericOfApocalypse
      @ClericOfApocalypse Год назад +8

      And what about Mairéad hopping barefoot on the stage while playing violin? That little beauty has fire in her small stature.

    • @jessicarupe9199
      @jessicarupe9199 Год назад +6

      @@ClericOfApocalypse Yes she does!

    • @Ella-r7t5y
      @Ella-r7t5y 14 дней назад


  • @TomGS
    @TomGS Год назад +205

    There is nothing that can beat this concert....
    17 years on and its still as amazing as the first time i heard it.

  • @sivanlevi3867
    @sivanlevi3867 Год назад +111

    This song is my favorite one from Celtic Woman. First time I heard was on a video game soundtrack. The part I love most about it is the drums and the fact it's in a barely spoken language adds to its mystique. Long live Celtic Woman and their music!

    • @raptorblack2269
      @raptorblack2269 Год назад +17

      Was that game Endless ocean 2 ? If so, i discovered this song the same way.

    • @sivanlevi3867
      @sivanlevi3867 Год назад +10

      It still ranks up as my favorite game of all time. And favorite video game soundtrack too.

    • @raptorblack2269
      @raptorblack2269 Год назад +6

      @@sivanlevi3867 Me too. This game is on my list of my favorite games of all time.

    • @ClericOfApocalypse
      @ClericOfApocalypse Год назад +9

      Actually in Ireland and Scotland relatively lot speak Gaelic (the contemporary version of Celtic). I said "relatively" because it's a rare language much to my sadness. I'd like to learn it but the roots are so different like learning Chinese or Japanese.

    • @demymoore
      @demymoore Год назад +1

      Ich versuche es auch zu lernen, aber hier gibt es keine Kurse dafür. 😢

  • @haleighsmith4182
    @haleighsmith4182 Год назад +204

    The sound quality of this sounds like It was recorded in the booth. Rarely dose the voice survive a live preformmence. Absolutely wonderful🥰🥰🥰🥰

    • @jameslannon9788
      @jameslannon9788 Год назад +28

      I love this concert, but I would bet a lot that is not live. Most likely signing to a backing track. Celtic Thunder does the same thing.

    • @wadeadams4263
      @wadeadams4263 Год назад +12

      Being a metal head from the 70s. I saw this on PBS when they first came out and I was like WTF I've been into the girls since. Saw them live here in Las Vegas at the Smith Center 3rd row Chloe sat on my lap butt was as soft as a cloud.

    • @ClericOfApocalypse
      @ClericOfApocalypse Год назад +3

      @@wadeadams4263 You freak! 😜 But that what makes a man a man! I totally agree you. All the ladies are fantastic and beautiful. (My favorite is Mairéad) But I'd like to ask something: what was her scent like?

    • @matthieusloutchansky5664
      @matthieusloutchansky5664 Год назад

      it is playback

    • @yolandazach
      @yolandazach 6 месяцев назад

      Recording has advanced,
      They digitally record. Everything is wired.

  • @just-a-generic-username
    @just-a-generic-username Год назад +34

    Ray has been giving us his whole heart and soul since day 1. Truly love seeing the energy he brings.

  • @CharlesJones-n8h
    @CharlesJones-n8h 11 месяцев назад +39

    All the Celtic Woman songs speak to a deep place in my past when my Irish aunties would speak of life back in Western Ireland I had one aunt who is very old she was actually one of my aunts aunts since she was from the generation before she told the most amazing stories of Ireland sadly she passed before the music of Celtic Woman came out she would have loved it so much

  • @josephfeeley3476
    @josephfeeley3476 Год назад +13

    I'm a Texan, 4th gen from Ireland. I saw this concert on PBS over a decade ago and rushed out next day and bought the disc!!

  • @H.User-x178_19
    @H.User-x178_19 9 месяцев назад +14

    2:04 her vocals are so perfect at this part omg

  • @-RONNIE
    @-RONNIE Год назад +22

    I really like looking back on these older shows 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @TE72GOD
    @TE72GOD Год назад +48

    Finding this dvd on the store shelves back in the day... To this day is the fastest time I have seen something on a store shelf and grabbed it and put it in my cart. What an amazing day. :)

    • @ClericOfApocalypse
      @ClericOfApocalypse Год назад +3

      Then Mission Accomplished for you, my friend! Or as Shang Tsung would say: Flawless victory! DVD-ity! 😃

  • @redstone5149
    @redstone5149 Год назад +18

    This concert was the best one CW ever did!

  • @geri0756
    @geri0756 Год назад +19


  • @noahmoore2608
    @noahmoore2608 Год назад +7

    Awesome. Can’t wait to see the anniversary of 20 years in Birmingham Alabama in April!

  • @cindyforbess8449
    @cindyforbess8449 8 месяцев назад +8

    What a wonderful suprise to get tonight!! And once again she included the lyrics just for her best fan- hopper from Louisiana

  • @Danny_ll
    @Danny_ll Год назад +13

    he nailed it man, he freakin nailed it

  • @kentcostello5286
    @kentcostello5286 Год назад +12

    I love listening to your music it brings back memories of my mom and grandmother's . I miss them all .😢❤

  • @hughbryant1326
    @hughbryant1326 Год назад +16

    A wonderful recording

  • @HelenRox98
    @HelenRox98 Год назад +15

    Love this version so much!!

  • @lourdesmv00
    @lourdesmv00 5 месяцев назад +4

    Watching this wonderful piece of art on 2024 🥰
    Such beautiful voices, mystical and majestic music cannot be forgotten easily. 💚✨

  • @jesucitofreedom5375
    @jesucitofreedom5375 Год назад +12

    Magnifica cancion😍🎵🎶 estupendo que ese momento quedo guardado en la red!!❤🇮🇪

  • @reginasteele4820
    @reginasteele4820 Год назад +11

    Best song and video!!!!!💗 grá dúlamán💗💗💗

  • @deltic1964
    @deltic1964 Год назад +2

    What a Beautiful Gaelic Record about Feamainn ni Hamhain feamainn ar bith ach Feaainn Eireann

  • @happysugarwaifu432
    @happysugarwaifu432 21 день назад

    Whoever handled the sound during that concert did a godly job, jesus christ O.o

  • @kathleencove
    @kathleencove 7 месяцев назад +2

    Best version I’ve ever heard of this song ♥️ I like Omnia’s version a lot too, but this one is my favorite.

  • @TahuGossage
    @TahuGossage 2 месяца назад +1

    What a very beautiful lady and the sound overall as one is 👏. I loved it

  • @bokkieduplessis1843
    @bokkieduplessis1843 Год назад +7


  • @klarapetrijevcanin
    @klarapetrijevcanin 7 месяцев назад +9

    The singer is very charming

  • @salliemae9284
    @salliemae9284 Год назад +4

    Amazing as always !!!!!!!

  • @colleendianne5421
    @colleendianne5421 7 месяцев назад +3

    I miss Meav soo much. This is my Favorite song of hers

  • @CarWashReviews-Ethan
    @CarWashReviews-Ethan Год назад +4

    The first concert, ANJ, and SFTH were the back bones of CW!

  • @mahmudhossainshanto7227
    @mahmudhossainshanto7227 11 месяцев назад +2

    I love this version so much. Also, as far as I can remember, this song was featured in the animated movie---Song of the Sea!

  • @Mimidragontamer
    @Mimidragontamer 2 месяца назад +2

    I gotta be honest, I fell in love with this when I played the game Endless Ocean Blue World in the mangrove/swamp area for the first time such a good song, even today🥰

  • @richardjohnson7019
    @richardjohnson7019 Год назад +5

    Great like always 👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • @ruchiramunjal6061
    @ruchiramunjal6061 Год назад +2

    Absolutely Wonderful !!

  • @patriciafoster3347
    @patriciafoster3347 Год назад

    The group is simply magic.

  • @Avelinakushnir
    @Avelinakushnir Год назад +4

    Amazing performance 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

  • @mariedevoux3011
    @mariedevoux3011 Год назад +1

    je ne connaissais pas ... superbe !!

  • @田丸正夫
    @田丸正夫 Год назад +3


  • @jaimycmettsmusic
    @jaimycmettsmusic Год назад +4

    I love this 💖

  • @APetula
    @APetula 25 дней назад

    They got me into Gaelic languages and culture more than 20years ago. Between Scots and Irish traditions a lot of cool stuff exist

  • @KenBrown-wd1ju
    @KenBrown-wd1ju 11 месяцев назад


  • @simonidastankovic2627
    @simonidastankovic2627 Год назад +2

    Brilliant performance and arrangements.....still, the best version of all, ever, is the very first performance ans arr., by the legendary "CLANNAD"

  • @peterlange4473
    @peterlange4473 Год назад +2

    Love this version with Meav!

  • @carvalhoribeiro
    @carvalhoribeiro 5 месяцев назад

    Awesome. Thanks for sharing this.

  • @RYNT1157
    @RYNT1157 Год назад +1

    Have the DVD , a brilliant concert.👍👍

  • @te_ne._._._23.3
    @te_ne._._._23.3 Год назад +3

    I LOVE all of the original groups voices, but Méav and Chloe are my favorite voices♥️♥️♥️
    I’ll always be loyal to Celtic Women. there’s an ethereal, angelic sound to the original groups up until after 2015??? Now, they sound just like all other Irish groups - still good but not the same.

  • @vivianlemottee3291
    @vivianlemottee3291 Год назад +1

    These girls are amazing.♥️

  • @froiliendejesus8529
    @froiliendejesus8529 Год назад +4

    Dulaman is seaweed in Irish while Gulaman is a gelatin made of Seaweed in the Philippines.❤

  • @simonearaujo173
    @simonearaujo173 Год назад +4

    Voz divinal!!!

  • @portesduverseau
    @portesduverseau Год назад +1

    Très différent de la sublime version de CLANNAD qui fait référence, mais franchement c'est réussi et Méav est à la hauteur. L'arrangement est original et apporte vraiment quelque chose, alors malgré tout le clinquant un peu "princesse" du spectacle qui n'est pas très celtique à mon goût , c'est magnifique à voir et à entendre !

  • @corinnebowyer6786
    @corinnebowyer6786 Год назад +1

    wonder if celtic woman or celtic thunder will ever have a collection of all their concerts in a bundled collection offer at any point of time.

  • @Sunnykhutan
    @Sunnykhutan Год назад +1


  • @密フェス
    @密フェス Год назад +3


  • @aileenwarren5916
    @aileenwarren5916 3 месяца назад

    ❤❤❤truly beautiful irish song sung wonderfully

  • @anakindisco6336
    @anakindisco6336 Год назад

    Le réveil du gouvernail de lumière paternelle ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤lookoomiiuuu

  • @wildzimbaby
    @wildzimbaby Год назад +1

    I really love her voice

  • @ianhobbs4984
    @ianhobbs4984 2 месяца назад

    Maev my favorite CW singer as I just love her voice.

  • @friedhelmfaller6131
    @friedhelmfaller6131 Год назад +1

    Yeah i Love it ❤😊

  • @jamesmeme7734
    @jamesmeme7734 Год назад

    Can't wait for them to come to town on April 17th.

  • @Avelinakushnir
    @Avelinakushnir Год назад +1

    Super ❤️❤️💙💛I like Celtic woman

  • @sintama742
    @sintama742 Месяц назад +5

    English lyrics if anyone wants : ❤
    Oh gentle daughter, here come the wooing men
    Oh gentle mother, put the wheels in motion for me
    Seaweed from the yellow cliff, Irish seaweed
    Seaweed from the ocean, the best in all of Ireland
    There is a yellow gold head on the Gaelic seaweed
    There are two blunt ears on the stately seaweed
    The Irish seaweed has beautiful black shoes
    The stately seaweed has a beret and trousers
    [Chorus 2x]
    "What are you doing here?" says the Irish seaweed
    "At courting with your daughter," says the stately seaweed
    I would go to Niúir with the Irish seaweed
    "I would buy expensive shoes," said the Irish seaweed
    I spent time telling her the story that I would buy a comb for her
    The story she told back to me, that she is well-groomed
    "Oh where are you taking my daughter?" says the Irish seaweed
    "Well, I'd take her with me," says the stately seaweed
    Seaweed from the yellow cliff, Irish seaweed
    Seaweed from the yellow cliff, Irish seaweed
    Seaweed from the ocean, the best, the best
    Seaweed from the yellow cliff, Irish seaweed
    Seaweed from the ocean, the best, the best
    The best in all of Ireland

  • @afida3861
    @afida3861 Год назад +2

    Sacrée voix 😊

  • @AllenJones-w3p
    @AllenJones-w3p Год назад

    Meav is a musical genius!

  • @patriciajrs46
    @patriciajrs46 Год назад +1

    Quite nice.

  • @verwolf3D
    @verwolf3D Год назад +8

    Обожаю этих девчонок!

  • @DeenScene
    @DeenScene Год назад

    She like so beautiful and angelic.

  • @salvarriale161
    @salvarriale161 6 месяцев назад

    She's an angel of God

  • @darkroomlightsource88
    @darkroomlightsource88 3 месяца назад

    ❤ brilliant

  • @user-pahgjgu
    @user-pahgjgu 9 месяцев назад

    너무 좋아요~!❤

  • @michaelhagerty3092
    @michaelhagerty3092 Год назад +21

    What is odd about these songs is they are wonderful Irish songs and wonderfully performed, but the subject matter is about something you would never think related. Here, Dulaman sounds like a festive dance around a fire, a singer telling of her attempts to attract a guy in the village. Nope. It's a song about seaweed.

    • @froiliendejesus8529
      @froiliendejesus8529 Год назад +7

      Fun fact Dulaman is seaweed in irish word while Gulaman is a gelatin made with seaweed from the Philippines. Totally two different countries but share almost the same word.

    • @irishLass25
      @irishLass25 4 месяца назад

      Me thinks that while she has a beautiful voice, Celtic,Thunder's version is better.

  • @cristinagalaxyfun
    @cristinagalaxyfun Год назад +1

    Pretty ❄️

  • @64Bri64
    @64Bri64 7 месяцев назад

    I missed my chance to see this live. 🤯 🔫

  • @berndcremer5312
    @berndcremer5312 Год назад +2

    Good day. bin ein grosser dan.hoerre gerne eure Musik. hab euch auch liefe gesehen im koeln in der Arena. immer gaensehaut wen ich euch hoerre

  • @Angel-g1w
    @Angel-g1w Месяц назад

    I remember the movie (the song of the sea) when ben was signing this song 😢❤

  • @buxeyotl
    @buxeyotl Год назад +2

    Whats the name of this handdrum?

  • @sandralauk2499
    @sandralauk2499 3 месяца назад +1

    watching this and thinking how come Irish sending to eurovision boring musicians but this is out of this world ..if music like this would be in Eurovision Ireland would be a winners

  • @hermes2007ful
    @hermes2007ful 4 месяца назад

    Don't understand a word of it. Somebody for a short translation please? It's so beautiful even without understanding.

    • @margarethastings3332
      @margarethastings3332 2 месяца назад +2

      Interestingly, I believe it’s a song about seaweed!

    • @hermes2007ful
      @hermes2007ful 2 месяца назад

      @@margarethastings3332 Thanks for your hint.

  • @anakindisco6336
    @anakindisco6336 4 месяца назад

    ❤❤❤❤❤ le bleu et violet des 30 ans de Disney Land Paris 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @Alexandraluvs
    @Alexandraluvs 9 месяцев назад

    1:27 WOOAH

  • @HardWorkingFamilyMan
    @HardWorkingFamilyMan Год назад +1

    endless ocean blue world brought me here

  • @ManFromThePits
    @ManFromThePits Год назад

    Talented Men: Come out, play beautiful music...
    Me: I came for Celtic babes - send 'em out!
    Talented Men: ...

  • @MichelleScarberry
    @MichelleScarberry 11 месяцев назад

    Her dress would be a beautiful wedding dress

  • @ianpollock6292
    @ianpollock6292 Год назад +1

    I like how the drummers are kinda like the sea monsters dualing

  • @micah_d2
    @micah_d2 4 месяца назад

    i thought this was fake when i saw it live, i realize i was dumb as fck, we need morre of that now in 2024

  • @lexusdriver1963
    @lexusdriver1963 Год назад +1

    0:24 Is that an Irish recorder or an Irish flute?

    • @allie-5324
      @allie-5324 Год назад +3

      I think it’s the Irish tin whistle!

  • @Bsfr666
    @Bsfr666 4 месяца назад

    What are they singing about

  • @Jadsonbt12
    @Jadsonbt12 Год назад +1

    Someone please tell me what type of flute is in this song

  • @donaldstewart9873
    @donaldstewart9873 8 месяцев назад


  • @keepcalm7453
    @keepcalm7453 Год назад +1


  • @1Trenttube
    @1Trenttube 11 месяцев назад

    Who was that blonde woman?

  • @osmarpaiva1105
    @osmarpaiva1105 Год назад


  • @Jerree
    @Jerree 9 месяцев назад

    1:33 How lucky are we humans?

  • @edilsonalvescomunicador6708
    @edilsonalvescomunicador6708 Год назад +3


  • @pawerusiecki7889
    @pawerusiecki7889 8 месяцев назад

    Btw what language beside english are their songs in?

  • @andreat.6991
    @andreat.6991 Год назад +1


  • @URROLAND-24
    @URROLAND-24 8 дней назад


  • @Irishghost267
    @Irishghost267 Год назад +1

    What language is she speaking? Is that considered gaelic?

  • @HamnimationStudios
    @HamnimationStudios 11 месяцев назад +3

    Anyone else here because of Song of the Sea?

  • @URROLAND-24
    @URROLAND-24 8 дней назад


  • @Avelinakushnir
    @Avelinakushnir Год назад +1
