A lot has been said about Cindy and I have a few criticisms about her. Why I don't think she's the best girl.
1. Cindy gives me impression of a spoiled brat. Look at her behavior with Wade. She is constantly fixated on herself and her life. Okay, you can criticize Wade for his attitude and passive lifestyle. But a man has a hobby - cybersport, which he takes seriously: this is his hobby and it gives him inspiration. And also he has a girlfriend who DOES NOT RESPECT the interests of her boyfriend. She is constantly fixated on herself: "You do not pay attention to me and all the time you play your stupid games." Darling, if you feel this way about your man's hobby, why do you think that he should devote all his time and energy to you? Relationships are meant to be reciprocal, not one-sided. In the meantime, you don't even let Wade know about your hobbies and he finds out about modeling through an Istagram post, which of course shocks him. Maybe it was worth discussing it first, so as not to lead to a scandal? In general, Wade is always bad with her and does not appreciate his "queen" enough. Sounds familiar. Immediately I see the image of a girl whose man is "obliged" all the time.
I wonder if she will also treat Ian that way when he is very busy with another book?
2. Egocentrism. After running the game several times and making different choices, you can see this feature of Cindy. I chose solutions where I didn't please Cindy. It's quite easy to collapse the relationship scale with her. To take Wade's side, to criticize her way of life - Cindy gets angry. As soon as you contradict her and do not accept her point of view - Cindy is offended by you. You should not come to Wade's birthday and leave with Holly - Cindy is very angry with you and the relationship scale is closer to the minimum. Cindy does not accept a different opinion and everything should happen AS SHE WANTS. Otherwise, you are an antagonist for her. Did you notice how angry she gets during that stupid game in Chapter 9 if she doesn't like the answers? Why, it's just a game where you have to continue the phrase!
3. A character trait in women that I really don't like. Women's envy. How angry she is when you praise other girls, especially those who are more successful - Ivy or Lena. Cindy goes berserk when everyone is staring at Ivy, inserting caustic comments when praising Lena. In the last parts, this is more and more noticeable. I believe that she does not like Lena (it is clear that she has antipathetic notes to her) because of envy.
4. The most delicious moment. Cheating. Cindy is a cheater. Of course, it's not that off-putting if you're not planning anything serious with her - being friends with privileges and nothing more. Well, except that you're an immoral bastard doing this to Wade (and so am I

). But to build a serious relationship with her after she cheated on her boyfriend? It's like deliberately stepping on a rake that you see in front of you. Especially if you take Ivy's rumors that she's having fun with Axel seriously. What did you say,
soprano31 ? Once a hoe, always a hoe? There is truth in this. If it were IRL - Cindy is a huge red flag that says "RUN!"
In general, I liked Cindy much more before, until I learned the game from different routes, trying different variations. I know this post won't appeal to Cindy fans, but I'm looking at the characters objectively without blind fanaticism.