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Anonymous commented at 2013-09-22 18:41:00 » #1403779
This movie was not bad. Too much night and too much water, but considering where the rift was there wasn't a way to get around that, EXCEPT TO PUT THE RIFT SOMEWHERE ON LAND IN THE FIRST PLACE! I honestly think that's why it died in the theaters in the USA; it was visually too dark.
2 Points
This movie was not bad. Too much night and too much water, but considering where the rift was there wasn't a way to get around that, EXCEPT TO PUT THE RIFT SOMEWHERE ON LAND IN THE FIRST PLACE! I honestly think that's why it died in the theaters in the USA; it was visually too dark.
LivingCorpse commented at 2021-07-11 03:29:39 » #2628513
They could have kept it the same and change nothing but the lighting. I've seen movies that take place at night and you can still see just fine.
They made it dark on purpose so you'd buy the DVD. Yes for real, lots of movie studios make this dumb plan, as if we wouldn't buy the DVD to begin with. And the DVD is brighter, I saw things I missed in the theater. I blame Warner Brothers for this, I feel Legendary Pictures would not have done that if they could help it since they are very passionate about the daikaiju genre.
0 Points
They could have kept it the same and change nothing but the lighting. I've seen movies that take place at night and you can still see just fine.
They made it dark on purpose so you'd buy the DVD. Yes for real, lots of movie studios make this dumb plan, as if we wouldn't buy the DVD to begin with. And the DVD is brighter, I saw things I missed in the theater. I blame Warner Brothers for this, I feel Legendary Pictures would not have done that if they could help it since they are very passionate about the daikaiju genre.