Chris strokes dildo play video

I wanna see people here rile up over the scamming ways, ya'll went crazy over the whole situation with the guy taking him into his home last time so I need to see the same energy applied to when chris scams old gullible depressed chubby gays
If you're referring to Mary Poppins claiming Chris is selling her stuff without permission, perhaps you should seek verification first. She bailed with her umbrella lickety-split.

Please do not re-ignite an old argument. Thank you
This thread is getting strange... and I'm bored enough to be here for it, but still... strange.

I'm assuming the homelessness is over?!? How did the girlfriend get videos that someone else recorded? You cannot sell verified onlyfans content without all people in the video being verified by Onlyfans, they will delete the account. Are the maskings for health reason or super hero reasons?
This thread is getting strange... and I'm bored enough to be here for it, but still... strange.

I'm assuming the homelessness is over?!? How did the girlfriend get videos that someone else recorded? You cannot sell verified onlyfans content without all people in the video being verified by Onlyfans, they will delete the account. Are the maskings for health reason or super hero reasons?
He told me his ex girlfriend hacked his twitter and onlyfans and she is messaging his fans and asking them for money, the other day he was frustrated because he cant access the twitter account that has 90k followers, regarding homelessness, I have no idea where he lives, or if he is homeless. We hang out whenever I am free or if he is free. He needed someone to do content with him and I dont wanna be scene in the video so i covered my face. I saw him texting a lot of people selling our videos that he took for a lot which is ridiculous. He said they are hard to find. Oh well, we did like 14 clips together. Thats all the info I can share for now. He doesnt have my permission to sell those videos but i dont really care, and I am posting some update with him since this thread is about him or a lot of people wanna see what's latest about him. And I am gonna ignore all the negative Nancy's here.
Why do I get a feeling things are not as they seem...and those screen grabs are probably what he sent out to people to try and entice them to buy said videos...And we are just supposed to sit here and believe and he didn't learn from the first 12 times his account got jacked???? Nancy? Yes.... Negative...No? Call Me By My Last Name...Drew (see what I did there)
Why do I get a feeling things are not as they seem...and those screen grabs are probably what he sent out to people to try and entice them to buy said videos...And we are just supposed to sit here and believe and he didn't learn from the first 12 times his account got jacked???? Nancy? Yes.... Negative...No? Call Me By My Last Name...Drew (see what I did there)
Ignored and not explaining myself to you. Have a great day
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Are you planning to sell them somewhere else for 300.00 a piece? You don't seem sketchy at all lol. What exactly is the point of your conversation here?

Am not selling 300 dollars he does. Oh well its yout problem if you think I am sketchy not mine and i dont have to explain myself to you. Have a great day.
There is no point he's simply ruining the thread for attention...Like does he not realize regardless if he ignores us we can see everything he post. Like he sure did want to post those deets but didn't come with any receipts...and so apprehensive...Tsk Tsk
Why did i ruin the thread for attention? I dont need an attention, I am just sharing my interaction with Criss. Some people want to know what he is up to. People are even messaging me privately, lots of them. You can all say what you want and I couldnt care less. People here that are negative choose to be negative and I am gonna have a great day :)