Selena Gomez and benny blanco Freaked Out During Their Proposal, Talk I Said I Love You First Album
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Selena Gomez and benny blanco talk about blanco trying to keep his proposal a secret and collaborating on their first album together, I Said I Love You First, before eating a pickle snow cone with Jimmy.
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Selena Gomez and benny blanco Freaked Out During Their Proposal, Talk I Said I Love You First Album
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I’ve read people mocking Benny, but here he shows he is well spoken, handsome and present for his woman ! Cute couple! Haters lost.
People are mean.
And a very successful music producer.
He is way too incredible. Fun, witty, and a nice guy.
@@FlygirlPatAll the haters don't know he have produced lot of their Idols Music
He throws her her flowers ALL THE TIME and im melting!! He adores her and im so happy for her !!! His obsessed and i love it ✨
That obsessed part is scary..
@ im not speaking literally, i mean how he always says my oscar girlfriend, my amazing famous fiance, my beautiful most amazing fiance, hes always speaking of her in a loving matter. Not in a scary way, is that more clear for you?
@@janetwatson7966almost an over acting for the audience…
@@Adevine369actually a man that loves & admires his fiancée. He always spoken highly about her. Be happy for others! Why so cynical towards a happy couple?
She ll get bored soon
I’m so glad she’s in a healthy relationship!
queso is not that healthy...
And you can see she's not happy at all lol
Girls like her need toxicity
@@erone4293 Girls need it but not women.. And she's a woman
Benny is growing on me. He was so wonderful, attentive, never once interrupted her, didn’t mind all the attention being on her and was so generous with his compliments!
Coming from some random guy that's been in love with Selena forever he is the best guy ever. I'm such a Benny Blanco stan. He is nice, intelligent, polite, and a musical genius. I'm so glad they are together. They deserve each other!!!
This. I loved how he never interrupted her even though he has a very bubbly and talkative personality!
I think he might not have the ideal looks but he might have all the rest. selena has many options so he must be a quality guy
So he has basic human decency and we're all so impressed lmao the bar for men is truly in hell
he knows he married up!
He is so humble, I can sense it. And he is actually always polite and positive around Selena. As a celebrity couple, they are a good example to see.
Benny never interrupte when Selena is talking. What a gentleman! Love ❤️ ❤
That’s what I noticed too!
In the beginning I didn’t like them together but now I’m kinda obsessed after seeing how they are together more😂 they suit each other so well
I feel the Sameee!lol
Me tooo the relationship dynamic is sooo sweet❤
A simple guy always treat a lady the best better believe plus this guy rich and simple and have a genuine hesrt he's not actor he is just natural and unique and funny and seems very funny and family oriented.
Seems very loving too
They are literally Mavis and Johny from Hotel Transylvania! They’re the cutest! ♥️🥰
😅yes now I see it!!!
Omg exactly😆
Omg yes 😂
Oh damn!!! That was I thought 😂😂😂❤❤❤
Yes 🎉❤
Men like that deserve to be recognized and highly respected ❤
Benny looked stunning in that outfit. They are such a beautiful couple. So happy for them.
Benny is what every woman wants. A man that adores you! He seems so nice! I´m so happy for them 💖
Yes I am obsessed with this couple. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Let's be real no woman wants a soft and nice man.
Seems forced...
A little worm ,,, yea ok ..
10yrs ago Selena is completely heartbroken crying on stage performing at the AMA “the heart wants what it wants” to see her now happy, shining, loved by an amazing guy. I could cry now but of happiness ❤
Ikr 🥺❤
Cry then
In a sick way there are people that don't want her happy. Rather her be with a guy so hung up on themselves that they have no love to give anyone
the fact that he's making it all about HER . GOD I LOVE THEMMMM
What about me?
He’s her MAN ager
That’s the worrying part, it’s always about HER.
When he said “it’s crazy to get engaged & to tell the person you want to be married to forever” made me cry almost 😭
He definitely.. has something in him.. Talented Music Producer (of my favorite songs), he is sweet and friendly, and you want to feel comfortable around him. He is super understanding. His story telling, and able to use expressions and emotions, as well as being humble. Wishing them all the best, finally she found someone worth it. Wishing them they are protected at all costs, wish these two and Tom and Zendaya-these pairs life long endless love.
Their little kiss at the end was so cute
He is actually so cute! He gets better looking the older he gets lol he literally treats her soo good just like every woman would wish
I agree!!! Benny gets cuter and cuter as we all get to discover who he really is as a person, a gentleman.
Weird looking
You must be vision impaired 😂😂.
@@Beansprout.2131Another vision impaired person 😂😂.
Theyre like an old married couple its so sweet ❤ im so glad selena found happiness.
“Old married couple” in a good way ❤️
Old marriage couple is always a good way❤
I have to admit. Selena and Benny make a cute couple. You can tell she's happy and I'm happy for her too. 🥰💞
SHE looks cute.
Happy for the album of them is out 🎉🎉
" I have to admit" no one cares. u didnt have to admit anything
"i have to admit". Why are y'all so fucking sneakily mean?
@@aishaaa._ they both do, happiness always looks cute.
I love how he praises her and just shows so much love... they're adorable and make such a perfect couple
If I were in her shoes, I would definitely choose to date Benny as well! He truly is someone to admire. It’s hard not to love him, isn’t it? He embodies what it means to be a gentleman, and that’s so special! 💯❤️
“Women deserve a Medal of Honor”… he’s so sweet & kind. And the way he speaks is so animated and natural. Happy for her for finding love!
The way he said it so softly had my heart melting! 🫠 0:56-0:58
He has a great personality
But not attractive. But a sweet, sweet man trumps that!!!
Ngl, yeah. Better than 90% of men tbh
@@keekers19 I watched his architectural digest home tour (it’s a few years old) and just how nice and selfless he is def made him more attractive to me. Lol but ig it don’t matter bc he has a beautiful girl & are in loveeeee❤️
@@ayofrtho7014 I sound like a pick me but I don’t really give af bout men’s height, for one I’m 5’1 😂 everyone’s tall to me. People are so strict. I can understand some dealbreakers obv like treating fam/people respectfully, having a job or motivation(don’t gotta be rich and pay for everything) etc. I want a funny man who is kind to me, his family, with motivation we can give each other etc
@@keekers19 a good personality is absolutely attractive, what do you mean?!
1:38 they clenched their fists in excitement at the same time and the same way 😭 so cute
They were empathetic fist clenches in response to Jimmy’s fist clench :) which means they’re both empathetic
She is calm whenever she’s in his presence. They have so much respect towards one another and I love that they also have great communication. And the way he adores her… he has really paid attention to every detail of her and knows her from the inside out. How he praises her and shows genuine admiration and excitement about her is just out of this world. This is what a healthy relationship looks like and it’s so rare these days. Man, when your partner brings you peace and calm like Benny does to Selena, you know you have found the one. Incredible. She deserves it. I wish them both lifelong happiness and success.
And that tub of cheese was great
Benny defo a great guy with a very enthusiastic attitude.
Selena is a rare celeb that can sing dance and go on any red carpet with integrity.
Can I just say that every girl should have THAT kinda man who adores her, talks passionately about her and just puts her on a pedestal😍
but she ain't putting him at a pedestal....he's excited...she "acting" excited and it's showing
I won't say it's necessarily acting like she's excited. I'd rather say she's a bit tired from business we don't know of @@saki-2479
@@saki-2479I think she’s just uncomfortable being on these kinds of shows.
No one should be on a pedestal.. this is then a sign of a not healthy relationship
Yeeees !!@@magdalenalukaszewska3071
I looooove how he is not media trained! And is all heart and no show offs or fake!
He is Pure ❤❤❤
I love that ❤ (being expressive as raw as it is).
It’s unbelievable to see how you can sense their chemistry and their respect for each other. They’re literally goals
they're not even sitting together on the couch.....body language is off
@@LOb-yf4ptsame thought but they seem lovely. I wish them the best!
@@LOb-yf4pt some people dont like PDA
@@LOb-yf4pt but Selena is sitting on a 1 seater couch, were they supposed to squeeze in on 1 sofa😂😂😂
@ I meant the sofa Benny was sitting on dummy , big enough for two. 🤣
Benny might be weird for people but you can tell how much he loves Selena and how much Selena is comfortable being herself around him
5:08 Jimmy's great, he lets Benny get back to the convo and he makes everything seem like a genuine conversation he's actually interested in. He also seems like he genuinely cares for the celebrities and doesn't treat them like objects esp female celebs, v respectful towards them as well. He's great with BTS too even at a time when they were facing xenophobia in the West. This is why he's my fav! ❤
Ok at first I wasn’t too sure about Benny, but I literally smiled and blushed throughout this interview as if Benny did all those things for me 🥹 This is love! I am so happy for Selena, she deserves a life full of happiness ♥️
Why weren't you "too sure" about him?
@@HeyThereHiThereHoThere I am guessing it is similar to how an overprotective father acts when their daughter says they want to get married. It is like who? Where? What? Then, he gets to know the guy and then they’re best buds 😂
"and what did you do?"
"Nothin'. I looked like a slob"
(I never got so many likes 1.2k 😭😭😭, OMG I'm crying)
The cutest and natural couple. They are free on their way to express their feelings for each other. That's call REAL LOVE. Congrats Selena and Benny
Yes he doesn’t seem fake . I’m not sure if I find him attractive but he is into her and natural indeed and I guess I’d be open to get to know someone like that if I got the chance . I’m not Selena Gomez but most people and men I meet are fake and don’t show interest in you but only into what they like . I can’t imagine in the show biz how worst this is .
I love Benny and Selena together so much!! The album is SO good!! I’m so glad she’s making music again - and with someone she loves - her forever ❤❤
She is definitely blessed. It’s nice to see her happy. She deserves it. I wish them prosperous life full of love! 💗 Benny probably caters to all her needs. He seems like such a good person. ❤
Match each other’s energy SO WELL!
9:26 when they kissed was just so beautiful💫❤️
It was a friendly peck.
@@ApplePie..когда не надо доказывать истинные отношения, то не особо стараются. У них настоящие отношения, где не надо доказывать подлинность.
@@ApplePie.. what did you expect, for them to suck face on live television? Weirdo.
As a native Texan that goes to school in another state right now, I would have cried if someone surprised me with Whataburger. How sweet of him!!!
yesssss! when he said he got her Whataburger I went "AWWHHHHH!!!!!!!!" it's my fave too!!
They’re a really good match. He genuinely lets her shine, very humble and thoughtful guy. I’m so happy for her with their union, she genuinely deserves this so so much!! This man adores her! 🥹💞💞
And it’s by far the best work both of them have done yet!! 10’s across the board
Selena is a brilliant singer and business woman, Benny Blanco is a genius composer and songwriter. How could they not fall in love
The way he speaks he has a brilliant mind he talks fast and can't get everything out, and creatively amazing
Why he’s so wealthy ❤
Es piscis x eso
Selena and Benny you both deserve happiness in life, that’s why y’all find each other 🩷!!
Seeing them together makes me so happy for them..they are two genuine kind people that deserve all the best...much much love to them both... 🫶🫶🫶🫶❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🎀💕💕💕💕💕
Selena is lucky to have Benny by her side. May every girl find a love that makes her feel this cherished❤
Amen 😢
They not only look happy....they look comfortably happy, like it comes natural with joy & peace from within ✨
5:52 benny's whole face changed so serious as soon as a Selena talks hanging on to her every word. You can tell he respects and simply adores the ground in which she walks on 😊 i would be so lucky to find a real man to look at me the way he looks at her. I'm so happy for Selena after all these years past. He doesn't have to look amazing, he oozes with confidence & personality, and that's more than attractive for any real woman.
You Are So Right! Benny is the Best! Love these two together!!!
One-sided promo relationships dont last.
@Catwoman748go away hater
I’m glad they are happy. Benny is so cute and adores her.
I love that the album is red colour. So beautiful.
Selena finally found herself a Pisces that adores her as much as she deserves to be adored. ❤️❤️❤️
My husband is exactly like him & a pisces. ❤❤❤❤40 years & still treats me like his Queen. I think they will last. ❤❤❤
@ congrats on 40 years with your Pisces 💙
Stop with the horoscope crap. It’s nothing but evil and not of God
Lmfao Yall believe in zodiac signs 😂
He’s a PISCES????? Wowwwww
They are so cute, I’ve never heard him talk so hearing him, I can see why they are together ❤
The excitement he has talking about her and her smile watching him do it! She even seems so calm in his presence!
I love how Jimmy is always so supportive and kind with all of his guest no matter what. He meets them where they are.
benny blanco has always been in hollywood behind a bunch of hit songs but I'm glad this healthy relationship makes us notice him more.
He gives me such good vibes and seems like such a sweet guy! So happy for them two 🫶🏼
1:15 he loves her sm
0:25 this was giving Alex Russo 😭💖💖💖 love Selena
😂😂 it was
Queen deserves this love afterall 🎀 praying for them to be together for ever🍀 love from India
They are so cute and they deserve happiness! Every girl deserves a Benny! He is talented, funny charismatic, smart witty and he treats her with all of the love in his heart! Dang right every girl wishes for a Benny!! ❤❤😊
We need a genuine couple for a long time in the industry, atleast 1 , think we found them. Just let it be forever, God bless them
Benny is the dream guy for every woman. They’re so adorable.
Not very women lol, he is less attractive than her that’s why he is possessed over her this is what people do , boy or girl it’s always the less attractive who loves the most ,don’t get me wrong I like Benny he is smart funny guy
You can see how benny treats Selena! Such a nice guy, every woman will fall for his great gestures!
Hope guys can get inspired by Benny. I think most guys focus on the wrong things (thinking thats what matters most to women) such as looks, sexapeal, muscles, ... when girls love more the romantic side anyways, they love to be treated right, especially after all the disappointments of past relations
He's such a nice supportive guy. I bet they have many creative awesome conversations together.
1:50 it is so funny of how Jimmy reacted to the pickle ICEE 🤣
The whole vibe of this interview is on another level I'm dying with cuteness and laughter 😂.
I loved the Korean show episode where JHope of BTS visited Benny's home while Jhope was in Los Angeles. Benny treated him to Korean food that he loves. I could tell the two really like and respect each other as friends and musicians. Selena and Benny are lucky to have found each other.
How thoughtful of Benny❤
The fact than Benny had a collab with the Vocal Line of BTS for the song Bad Decisions too
The kiss he gave her at the end was the sweetestttttt love bennyyyy and Selena together ughhhhhh ❤❤❤❤
Selena and Benny deserve all the love in the universe ❤
This here is what a man who is truely in love be and do.
Show off his woman. Respect her in every way. He is a true man. Omg best of luck to her.❤❤
Benny is sooo nice and down to earth! I wish them a lifetime of happiness. They seem so comfortable with each other. I love that! Blessings to them both.❤❤❤
Is nobody gonna talk about how amazing Benny's fit is?!
It's beautiful, lol. I wish I had those pants
I noticed! Love everything but the pants 😂
I want to wear it , it’s so much funnn
He is a fashion icon! I love men who aren’t Africa’s to play around with their style like this.
I’ve had a long journey with Selena. I grew up copying her outfits from WOWP, getting inspired by her airport fashion, and emulated her character when I was a kid. I listened to her music, followed her relationships; I remember when she and Justin finally made their relationship public and the vanity fair photos. She was such a huge part of everyone’s life.
When I saw her documentary, I had really mixed feelings, she seemed a bit out of touch and jaded.
But seeing her now feels different. I just want her to have the love she deserves with someone who cherishes her. She’s been through so much, it feels almost healing, seeing her happy.
Selena is going back to the golden era ❤❤ so beautiful
I watched this live but I'm so glad I rewatched it here and heard the Whataburger story, so cute!
manifesting a benny for myself, he's so kind and I'm happy they found each other
The smile at each other when Jimmy says about the engagement it’s just adorable!
I have been watching all their interviews and I can see how genuine they are. The interviews don’t seem forced or pre planned. I love love ❤
Guys stream their album please it’s amazing
Ok Benny is actually raising standards....he is such a nice and caring guy....I get it why she loves him.
Love you Selena & Benny❤
They are so cute and full of pure love❤
We ALL deserve a love like Benny has for Selena!!! She is so happy, she’s back. Her heart has fully healed and im soo happy. The album is AMAZing. ❤ “ojos tristes” 😍
He's so soft spoken and we know that Selena is very kind-hearted. They are perfect for each other!
Benny is so hilarious 😂
jimmy is just the best ever TV show host, there's never a dull moment with him. thankyou for being so nice and all the blessings to benny and selena.....
Gotta like Selena, it's nice to see someone stick to their own value
My girl is GLOWING and i love it
5:39 Jimmy accidentally saying "I love you" 😭😭😂😂
I don’t think it was an accident lol he tells his guests he loves them all the time
@@sugaudacity you're probably right, i don't watch him very much 😂 it just seemed a little bit awkward to say that, especially in front of two guests like benny's thinking "what about me?" 💀
We have those everywhere in the south! Pickle pops are what we call them! Big hit at the ball park on a hot day!
Congratulations on your engagement, Selena and Benny!!! 🎉🎉 Cute couple!! Glad they were on the show!! Awesome interview!!
One of my favorite power couples I love them together. I love that Benny makes my girl happy and I’m happy that she’s singing again!!😍❤️
Adorable couple who truly care about each other! You can tell he loves every single detail of her ❤
Oh and her loving Whataburger is even better 🧡🧡
He worships the ground she walks on. May this type of love find us
i hope she treats him as well as it seems he treats her
I can't get enough of these two lovebirds. I love when they show up together in an interview or RUclips where they are just hanging out and talking.
So cute how at 7:21 he was gonna say something but was like “you say it” and let her talk
They are so adorable together, and he’s such a cutie. I hope they have a blissful eternity together🫶
7:04 her lil ''if you want!'' 🥲🥺the sweetest angel. i want it Sel !🤍
They compliment each other so well. I love how he doesn’t interrupt her when she’s speaking ❤
They're so cute. Im so happy for Selena