Testing Methylene Blue 🔵 Safety & Benefits for Healthy Individuals

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Is Methylene Blue taken daily at low doses efficacious and safe in a healthy population? In this episode, we dive deep into everything we know (and still need to find out) about this fascinating compound.
    We’ll discuss the design of a 4-month Methylene Blue study conducted by Daniel Tawfik and Brandon Fell from Healthspan (gethealthspan.com), the lead authors of this research.
    Topics include:
    ✅ The science behind Methylene Blue’s effects on the brain and body
    ✅ How it supports mitochondrial function, energy, and cognitive performance
    ✅ Potential benefits for longevity, neuroprotection, and mood enhancement
    ✅ Safety, dosing, and what we still need to learn
    If you’re curious about how Methylene Blue could impact your health, this is the episode for you!
    🔵 Watch now to learn everything you need to know! 🔵
    #MethyleneBlue #Nootropics #BrainHealth #Biohacking #Longevity #CognitiveEnhancement #Mitochondria #EnergyBoost #Neuroprotection #Healthspan #MentalClarity #AntiAging
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    👨‍⚕️WHO AM I?
    If we haven’t met before - Hey 👋 I’m Jonas, a primary care MD - turned preventive healthcare educator. I started this channel to help people make decisions in many aspects of day-to-day living that can significantly impact their health.
    Many of the topics discussed here arise from questions my patients and subscribers ask me.
    DISCLAIMER: This video is for general informational purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, diagnosis, treatment, prescription, or professional recommendation. Watching this video does not establish a doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Jonas Kuehne MD. Before making any changes to your health regimen, diet, or treatment plan, consult a licensed physician for a proper medical evaluation and professional guidance. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding your health or medical condition.

Комментарии • 109

  • @LeapOfFaaaith
    @LeapOfFaaaith 12 дней назад +43

    Excellent. I've been taking methylene blue for almost 2 years 5 days a week up to 15 mg a day. So has my son with autistic catatonia. It has been transformational for his condition. For me it's improved memory and energy levels. Anything for him it's lessened the catatonia, improved mood and increased his ability to participate in his therapies by over 300%

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 дней назад +7

      That is fantastic! I would love to share this information if OK with you, as I think this might be very helpful for other people as well. If OK with you, please send me an email to jonas@jonasmd.com so we could set up an interview. 🙏

    • @LeapOfFaaaith
      @LeapOfFaaaith 11 дней назад

      @@JonasKuehneMD I will follow up tonight with an email

    • @aurelia5963
      @aurelia5963 23 часа назад

      hi, 15mg a day is equivalent to 30 drops? is it correct? with a lot of water or not necessary? ty

    • @aurelia5963
      @aurelia5963 23 часа назад

      @@JonasKuehneMD hi, 15mg a day is equivalent to 30 drops? is it correct? with a lot of water or not necessary? ty

    • @LeapOfFaaaith
      @LeapOfFaaaith 22 часа назад

      @aurelia5963 about 5oz of water, so it goes down fast

  • @JackmeriusTacktheritrix-000
    @JackmeriusTacktheritrix-000 12 дней назад +8

    Whoa! This is nice long video. Thank you for all the helpful information, I look forward to trying methylene blue!

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 дней назад +2

      Thank you for your feedback! Yes, this was one of the longer videos, but I thought it was great to show the complete discussion as there is a lot of valuable information in there.

  • @joephu
    @joephu 12 дней назад +10

    Very excited for this study toncome out. All your MB videos are so helpful.

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 дней назад

      Great to hear! Thank you so much! 🙏

  • @doejohn8674
    @doejohn8674 12 дней назад +7

    This is great news! I hope we will soon see the results of the test!

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 дней назад

      Thank you, kindly! This is a very exciting research project and I’m really looking forward to the data as well.

    @LOCKEDLOADED100 12 дней назад +17

    I just got my bottle today. I suffer from serious seizures. I’m praying it helps me in my seizure battle

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 дней назад +3

      I hope this will be helpful, but you definitely should consult with your treating physician on this. Some supplements and medications may increase seizure risk.

      @LOCKEDLOADED100 12 дней назад +14

      @ I appreciate it. Unfortunately my now Dr is against everything. Strictly big pharma. I was on benzodiazepine since I was eighteen years old. I’ve been free of them for over a year now. I literally had to learn how to function again. Took me 3 years to finally be Benzo free. I was prisoner of that medication. This new Dr wants to put me back on them. Let’s just say I’m looking for a new Dr that has an open mind. I’ll be happy to keep you posted on how methylene blue works for me. Either positive or negative. Thank you for your reply by the way 👍🏼💯

    • @tiara424777
      @tiara424777 12 дней назад +3

      Start slow! You might also appreciate trying a tsp of raw honey at night either as in or in tea etc. It helps the brain for those with cancer seizures or anything big like that. Our bodies extend a lot of energy during those. Good luck!

      @LOCKEDLOADED100 12 дней назад +1

      @@tiara424777 Thank you so very much for the advice 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • @fmg4537
      @fmg4537 11 дней назад +1

      Contact Dr. Beck office at Institute of functional neuroscience. Australian neuroscientist that helps ALOT with your seizures. He lives out in Australia but treats people virtually at home.

  • @TC-mf1cq
    @TC-mf1cq 12 дней назад +4

    Fascinating as always. Thank you Dr Kuehne 🙂

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 дней назад +1

      Thank you kindly! It is a great topic. 🙏

  • @Ladidasana
    @Ladidasana 4 дня назад

    This video is one of the most informative. Many of the ones I’ve found are suggesting .5mg - 5mg per KG. I started at 5mg and was slowing increasing because I didn’t think I was taking enough and worked up to 30mg (1/2 dose early morning and the other half at noon) . I weigh 52 kilograms. I felt great for about a week. Everything including my brain power and digestion was so much better. But then I got a weird mild headache. I stopped increasing and stayed at the same dose (switched to once a day) for a few days and it got better.
    But I was feeling some effect on my kidney function. The information you provided on dosing makes much more sense to me. I have been on this personal experiment for a month and now I’m going to dial it back to once a day 5 mg and see how that does over the next few weeks. My biggest complaint has been brain exhaustion during high concentration at work. That has already improved so much I am hopeful!
    Thank you so much! I subscribed to your channel to keep up with this and other topics you cover.

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  3 дня назад

      Thank you kindly for your comment and great feedback! Yes, the literature is confusing as they are continuously talking about doses that we would use in an emergency room setting intravenously. In my opinion 5 to 15 mg daily work well for most people. Studies for cognitive health in people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease show that 15 to 17 mg daily have efficacy. Going over 30 mg daily can also negatively impact the gut microbiome. I’m glad you figured out the optimal dose for you and would only point out. It might be advisable at this point to take one day off per week to allow complete clearance as we do not have long-term study on daily use.

    • @Ladidasana
      @Ladidasana 3 дня назад

      @ will do. Thank you!

  • @58Repairables
    @58Repairables 2 дня назад +1

    I recently started slowly with 2 drops of 1% USP grade in a glass of water. The next day, I increased it by 1 drop. Tomorrow, I'll be up to 5 drops (2.5mg). I figured I'd plateau at 10 drops and monitor myself, but now I may up the dosage to 15-20. However, I plan to check how I feel at the 5mg level before increasing. I'm 67, and the only medical condition I have is the presence of a stent in my right coronary from 12 years ago during my Myocardial Infarction. My diet now consists mostly of red meat, eggs, dairy, and some fish, with an occasional serving of ice cream, and I weigh about 100kg.

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  2 дня назад

      That’s very smart to slowly go up on dose. I am currently taking 5 mg total daily with good efficacy. That seems to be all that I need. We should always strive to use the minimum amount of a supplement that gives us positive effects.

  • @Dr.JoaoYamasita
    @Dr.JoaoYamasita 8 дней назад +1

    Thank you very much! I am a Functional Doctor from Brazil.

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  8 дней назад

      You are welcome! Thank you for your interest in this topic! Are you prescribing it in Brazil?

  • @e.k.4508
    @e.k.4508 7 дней назад +2

    45:50 Q: If only healthy men participate, how can you know if MB increases health in, for example, brains or energy? Because, the outcome of this study could be that MB does nothing for healthy people. And than one could think MB has no benefits.
    This study still could give better directions for a non-harmful dose of course.
    I'm very curious about the outcome and hope you can share on this channel!

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  7 дней назад +1

      Thank you for your question. The reason it is only men at this point is that we’re trying to keep the population as homogenous as possible. Not every parameter will be measured, but we are trying to get as much data as possible to look for safety.

  • @monnoo8221
    @monnoo8221 4 дня назад +2

    parameters missing: Vit D, leukotriene, IL6:IL10, TNFa, Homocysteine, NAD, cd38, RDW, ALP, cystatin C instead of creatinine... I am sure you got the idea behind them...
    and additionally, methodologically extremely important:
    - different doses: dose dependency proofs efficacy
    - Diet tracking, macro composition, total cal, and micronutrients, at least every 5th day using an app.
    - sleep parameters, at least every fifth day
    Without those additional improvements, the risk for a 00 outcome is substantial. The list of base lab paams contains errors and blind spots, and together with not being able to control for micro deficiencies, measuring mitochondria will not show much.
    feel free to contact, I have been consulting in Ph1 and Ph2 studies (CVD, AD)

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  3 дня назад

      Great points! Thank you for the detailed analysis. We are fine-tuning and including many parameters that we have not mentioned in the video. It is important to track as much as possible as we have a great opportunity to follow this group over four months.

  • @unreactive
    @unreactive 12 дней назад +7

    Good content! Happy to see this channel getting more subscribers lately!

  • @cessy2230
    @cessy2230 8 дней назад +9

    My 84 year old extremely healthy father was physically devastated after having been administered the second covid booster. He couldn't walk, and it was laborious to speak. His speech was somewhat senseless. His gaze was lifeless, and his blood pressure dropped every time he attempted to stand. I began to give him daily doses of methylene blue along with red light therapy, blood donation(once), and Rosita cod liver oil. Every day, he showed improvement. He was back to his normal self within 6 weeks.
    Thank you for sharing this video and for all of the research and work that you are doing. I believe it will change people's health in leaps and bounds.

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  8 дней назад +1

      That is amazing! I’m so happy that he is doing better now. Would you mind telling me what dose of MB you were using daily?

  • @doejohn8674
    @doejohn8674 12 дней назад +4

    I might have missed this, but will you include some cognitive tests to see if there is a measurable effect on memory, reaction speed or other brain effects? Possibly eye sight day/night?

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 дней назад +4

      Yes, we will include some of those data as well in order to be as complete as possible as this is the first time we are using it on a daily basis for a prolonged period of time in a human study.

    • @kimbreeding6868
      @kimbreeding6868 11 дней назад +5

      As someone who has been taking MB since august or September of 2024 until now (March 2025) I can say that by November my night vision is completely normal. I used to have the blurry images with car headlights, poor distinction between non-lighted spaces, such as the lines in the road, or unlit structures off the road, etc. I went to a Veterans Day nighttime concert and had not been outside at night much at all, and didn’t notice the change. But I was in the passenger seat with my husband driving this time and the difference was just a 180. He was complaining about his poor night vision. Lol
      My balance was completely restored within 36 hours also. I’m 66, and for years I needed to hold handrails on stairs, walk very carefully anywhere, monitoring my balance and walking actually in a flatfoot fashion where I put my foot down with the ball and heel so I could feel stability before lifting the back foot up. My hearing is normal now too. I had noticed it was fading a bit but never went for medical attention but it’s just normal now. I hear well just like all my life.
      I’ve had other positive outcomes and I’ll never be without it. I take a pharmaceutical grade 1% , 15 drops at night and morning. Good luck 👍

    • @doejohn8674
      @doejohn8674 11 дней назад +1

      @ Thank you very much for your very detailed feedback!!

  • @whack6527
    @whack6527 19 часов назад

    Even if it can't be measured in the blood after a few days off, I believe it stays in the cells for much longer.
    This is based on the time it takes for the urine to change colour - if I haven't taken it for months, it takes several days before the urine changes to blue. If I just leave it a month, the blue urine appears immediately (same or next day). I take around 5 mg per dose.

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 часов назад

      That is the same dose that I am using currently. Yes, it will still stay in the cells a bit longer as the terminal half-life is 24 hours.

  • @zbawieniejestwieczne9013
    @zbawieniejestwieczne9013 10 дней назад +2

    Dr. Jonas is it ok to take MB in the morning and 4 hours later iodine (Lugol's drops) ?

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  10 дней назад +1

      I am not aware of any interactions here.

  • @liracopeland8764
    @liracopeland8764 5 дней назад

    Thank you, gentlemen!
    I can't wait to hear how the rest of your findings unfold!
    Is it the blue pigment's frequencies that are initiating the chemical reaction / energy burst in our body?
    (According to the bible, blue color is very special. It is also used extensively in witchcraft :(
    I am a "Chernobyl child" ...keeping immune system healthy and hormones balanced is a full time job. A couple years ive added baking soda to my regimen. Have been drinking it in the first part of the day to alkanize the body and bring more oxygen to the cells. Last month i was introduced to MB... the birst of energy is equivalent to baking soda - love it :) Hearing that it is helping on a mitochondria level is simply music to my ears! (as it should be to everyone who has been affected by radiation!)
    This brings me to more Questions.
    Which is better, mother nature's baking soda or lab-made MB?
    Can you take them the same day and if so, how many hours in between?
    Do they compliment each other?
    What supplements to avoid and for how long when im ingesting MB?
    I greatly appreciate your work, time, and help! Thank you!!!
    May His blessings be upon this awesome study!

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  5 дней назад

      Thank you for your input and questions. MB is working in our mitochondria by improving the transport of electrons in the electron transport chain, as well as eliminating free radicals. So it improves energy production and also acts as an antioxidant. It’s blue color appearance may be secondary here. I would agree that it is an artificial molecule and was quite surprised about how well it fits and supports our mitochondrial machinery. The purpose of the study is to find out if there’s any downside in taking it on a regular basis at the amounts we feel Are beneficial for improving health and lifespan. MB is a hermetic drug, meaning that inappropriate concentrations it triggers positive effect in ourselves, but a very high concentrations can be damaging. This is one of the reasons why it cannot be injected intramuscularly.

  • @brookstorm9789
    @brookstorm9789 11 дней назад +2


    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  11 дней назад

      Glad it was helpful! Thank you for watching

  • @TheHunterGarner
    @TheHunterGarner 9 дней назад

    Exciting Dr Jonas!!

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  8 дней назад

      Thank you kindly! Yes, I think so too. 🙏

  • @keithrogers9741
    @keithrogers9741 11 дней назад +1

    I am a senior and take occasionally MB at 4mg/day and noticed a slight thinking enhancement, my inflammation markers are all good and have stayed that way with MB. I am known as a lean hyper responder But I noticed increased intestinal gas and some mild GI upset every time I use it. I know it is suppose to affect the GI microbiome at large doses but for me I use it less often now because of the microbiome effect

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  11 дней назад +1

      Thank you for sharing this. At 4 mg it is unlikely to affect the gut microbiome, but everybody may behave differently here. I’m glad that you have some positive effects even at this low dose.

  • @---om4ly
    @---om4ly 8 дней назад +1

    I think the fuel injector analogy is good you wouldn't run fuel injector cleaner every day I think not even every week but that's where it differs I think running it a few times a week is all you need to do to get a very good outcome and you don't need a lot somewhere down the 5 to 10 mg once or twice a week

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  7 дней назад +1

      That dose might work for some people. We are testing 5 to 15 mg daily.

    • @---om4ly
      @---om4ly 7 дней назад

      ​@@JonasKuehneMDI would love to join into your study but I don't fit the criteria
      Excellent work... I genuinely look forward to your results

  • @melanierousseau3603
    @melanierousseau3603 8 дней назад +1

    What about concerns for increased blood pressure from MB? Is that being tracked through your the study?

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  7 дней назад +1

      Yes, the increase in blood pressure is transient and only lasts a few hours at most. It is usually happening at higher doses where MB can act as a vasopresser due to inhibition of nitric oxide.

  • @dustyroad76
    @dustyroad76 12 дней назад +1

    Dr. Kuehne, I am taking MB myself in pill form. Love it! I have a friend, 70 year old male, with some dementia. 67/100 score. Healthy otherwise. Is it possible to get his primary care physican to order a high dose MB intravenous treatment if its safe in the ER, hoping it might be a positive for his cognition.

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 дней назад +3

      I don’t think high dose intravenously unnecessary here. Some preliminary data shows that doses around 15 mg oral daily. Have good efficacy here. Keep in mind also that there are contraindications to take an MB including taking any medication that increases serotonin levels. He could discuss with his treating physician to start on 15 mg daily if cleared.

    • @fmg4537
      @fmg4537 11 дней назад +1

      @@JonasKuehneMDthat and red light helmet should be beneficial for dementia I would believe. Great video btw!

    • @SarahAllenHumboldt
      @SarahAllenHumboldt 6 дней назад

      @@JonasKuehneMD "...unnecessary..."?

  • @Genesiscopy1
    @Genesiscopy1 7 дней назад +1

    I saw a short clip of our new HHS director RFK Jr taking MB the other day. I'm hopeful we will see large scale testing of it in our government.

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  7 дней назад

      That would be amazing!

    • @SarahAllenHumboldt
      @SarahAllenHumboldt 6 дней назад +1

      Having heard of his endorsement of MB, I searched for images of him. He appears to be in a state of horrible health; wonder if he has actually used it.

    • @Genesiscopy1
      @Genesiscopy1 День назад

      @SarahAllenHumboldt what do you mean? I'm genuinely curious, hadn't heard of his health issues other than him having that neurological disorder that causes his voice to tremble. He has an absurd physique for someone his age.

  • @robertmckay2274
    @robertmckay2274 10 дней назад

    Good work gentlemen, 🎯🏆👍

  • @romanmakarov2021
    @romanmakarov2021 9 дней назад +1

    Thank you for this discussion.
    I have a question: is 1 mg of MB equal to 1 ml (1% pharmacy solution)?

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  8 дней назад +2

      One drop of a one percent solution is usually 0.5 mg. In other words, 10 drops is 5 mg.

    • @romanmakarov2021
      @romanmakarov2021 8 дней назад

      @JonasKuehneMD thank you Jonas, and I appreciate your quick response. Bless you 😊

  • @davidridley247
    @davidridley247 11 дней назад +1

    The starter panel tests, I don’t see serum vitamin D analysis. Why? I would have expected to see this test in all study.

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  10 дней назад

      Vitamin D is not directly impacted by MB. It is a good perimeter to check on routine labs, but for the purpose of the study, we don’t expect a shift here.

    • @davidridley247
      @davidridley247 9 дней назад

      @@JonasKuehneMD Jonas, "not directly impacted", do we know as fact, has it been studied? I still find it as strange omission given the now known essential role of this environmental compound in many biochemistries, immunity, genetic regulation pathways and its impact on metabolic health. Not knowing the vit D status of trial participants and being able to analyse the trial results wrt to D status is a failing of many RTC's and leads to inconclusive results and conclusions.

  • @davidridley247
    @davidridley247 11 дней назад

    Have a look at the uv, vis, ir absorption spectra of MB, it has lambda max at 295 nm & a broad absorption max at 660nm (if memory serves). 290nm from sunlight is absorbed in the skin to produce vit D, will MB improve or hinder VD production? 660nm in sun spectrum is absorbed by human cells & has been shown to provide energy to mitochondria electron transfer chain via cytochrome C (again if memory serves). I think that it would be useful for your study group to report sun exposure.

  • @markrolls5905
    @markrolls5905 12 дней назад +3

    hi guys, I am taking MB for metastatic squamous cell neck cancer along with keytruda as chemo, radiation therapy & surgery failed. I have just purchased a dynamic red light therapy machine as the data seems to show MB is many times more effective in conjunction with dynamic red light therapy.
    I use the CZTL USP grade ultra high purity 1 gram vial of powder with 100m of distilled water which is a 1% solution. I store this in the refrigerator as it needs to be below 25degrees Celsius with no light.
    I am 81kg so my question is what is your opinion on how much & how often should I take MB?
    Also mixing a half teaspoon of ascorbic acid with the MB in a glass of water changes it to a clear liquid, my question here is does the change in composition have any negative of positive effects?
    Thanks in advance,

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 дней назад +2

      Thank you for your comment. Sorry to hear that you’re struggling with this currently. The doses used in photodynamic therapy of MB vary greatly. Please keep in mind that none of this is medical advice and any dosing needs to be discussed with your treating physician.
      This review of studies showed varying doses between 0.04 mg per kilogram 24 mg per kilogram given intravenously. With an oral absorption up to 90% you can get sufficient amounts in with the liquid or tablet form. Doses above 30 mg total may interfere with the gut micro biome. Studies that were done on neurocognitive disorders did well around 15 mg total per day. You could discuss a dose of 30 mg total per day with your treating physician. That is around 0.3 mg per kilogram in your case.

    • @markrolls5905
      @markrolls5905 12 дней назад +1

      @ all noted & thanks. Any thoughts on Dynamic red light therapy?
      Also my 16 year old daughter is struggling with Depression & anxiety, any thoughts on MB to help with someone of her age & issues?

    • @davidridley247
      @davidridley247 11 дней назад

      MB is a redox compound so changes to colourless in the presence of protons & is reduced to leucoMB, this reversible reaction is noted on the healthspan starter label panel slide.

  • @elliottwholesales5176
    @elliottwholesales5176 9 дней назад +2

    Dr Jonas
    do you recommend MB for parkinsons D?

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  8 дней назад +1

      There are several papers discussing the benefit of MB for Parkinson’s disease. It seems that most neurodegenerative disorders respond quite well to appropriate levels of MB. This is of course, not a medical recommendation.

  • @davidridley247
    @davidridley247 11 дней назад +1

    No discussion of the pharmokinetics of MB other than half life. MB appears to be eliminated mainly via urine, for me following a 5mg oral dose my urine is noticeably coloured for at least 3 days. Is this compound a metabolite or free MB?

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  10 дней назад +1

      30% is excreted as MB in the urine. 5 to 10% via fecal route, the rest is liver metabolized.

  • @grumpygruntx
    @grumpygruntx 12 дней назад +1

    How can I get in on this study?

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 дней назад +8

      They already finished the recruitment for this study, but it will be future studies and I will make information available in some of my next videos.

    • @jennineosorio8786
      @jennineosorio8786 12 дней назад

      ​@@JonasKuehneMDDr Kuehne, thank you for your great info. I recently started taking Just Blue troches from Troscriptions. So far I am feeling more energetic and focused throughout the day. I am 71 and have hope to stave off dementia and cancer.

  • @elizabethpaluzzi8298
    @elizabethpaluzzi8298 12 дней назад +2

    Are there any benefits for Parkinson’s patients?

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  12 дней назад +1

      There are some animals studies that have been very positive and indicate that it might be very helpful in this patient population. Not medical advice, of course and the effective person should check with her treating physician prior to starting this.

    • @elizabethpaluzzi8298
      @elizabethpaluzzi8298 12 дней назад

      @ I would love to find a local doctor that would oversee my dad with traditional medications along with methylene blue. If you are aware of a physician in Illinois anywhere near the Joliet area please let me know.

    • @duaneabbott1859
      @duaneabbott1859 12 дней назад

      ​@@JonasKuehneMDthere are just "no" physicians who can, or will accept any therapies not sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry.

  • @wavesonswim8738
    @wavesonswim8738 2 дня назад

    It causes severe constipation for me even at small doses

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  День назад

      That is interesting. How much were you taking? Doses under 30 mg usually do not interact with the gut microbiome much.

    • @wavesonswim8738
      @wavesonswim8738 День назад

      @@JonasKuehneMDI made it all the way to 10mg, but even at 5mg it causes severe constipation. I’m not even sure if that’s the right term because it makes me go daily but very large dry compacted bowel movements that feel like shards of glass to pass.

    • @wavesonswim8738
      @wavesonswim8738 День назад

      @@JonasKuehneMDfor more background I do have endometriosis and andenomyis so my gut health has never been optimal. I just can’t find any information on Methyline blue that discusses that side affect.

  • @cdj59802
    @cdj59802 11 дней назад +2

    Why were women not included in your study?

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  11 дней назад +1

      It is the first study of its kind with daily MB use, and you want a study group that is matched as much as possible. Future studies will also of course include women and we can follow additional parameters, including hormone response, etc.

    • @elliottwholesales5176
      @elliottwholesales5176 9 дней назад

      I am a female 62 and developed parkinson about 4 years in one of your videos you mentioned MB for parkinson is this correct?

    • @elliottwholesales5176
      @elliottwholesales5176 9 дней назад

      fascinating video, let me know if a go fund me, could help?
      maybe we can create one to help financially?

  • @elliottwholesales5176
    @elliottwholesales5176 9 дней назад +1

    in your study could you include - what happens to the body if you stop taking mb after a period of 4 months?

    • @JonasKuehneMD
      @JonasKuehneMD  8 дней назад

      Thank you for this input. Yes, this is an important question.

  • @Kaaaap
    @Kaaaap 9 часов назад

    Will be trying methylene blue for full body skin inflammation at 20 mg daily. Doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong with me. Fingers crossed