You know, I actually already Play matchless Kung Fu. The translation can be kinda jank, but it's pretty cool over all. And the recent changes means that an old master can defeat a young prodigy, if built right (where as previously, having the right bloodline made you almost untouchable.) Mind you, Karma's still make a pretty big difference. My only real complaint is that, once you get to a certain level of power, it's hard to find peers to test yourself against who won't just Axe you if you lose a spar. THe master of the Sword school in particular is rather merciless. Here is hoping they work Gu into something worth using, as well as the poison based martial art. (not that poison isn't useful- as a status effect tied to a weapon- but the Martial art dedicated to it is *terrible*.)
What baffles me about this game is that the romance goes full steam ahead when your characters believe they are related, and then when they're told 'no you're not actually related' it's treated as an afterthought. Like, the core of the romance is that these two characters want to have sex as siblings, no matter what anyone says, and then it's like 'oh wait no they're not actually related.' But they THOUGHT THEY WERE. FOR YEARS. Absolutely baffling.
the only way they could have made this better (worse, but funnier) would have been if them NOT being actually related was a deal-breaker. If they're gonna go all in, might as well go with inverting the trope where suddenly screwing one's sibling is ok because surprise someone's adopted! and take refuge in audacity
Wanting to protect your sister from marrying a creepy dude with an even creepier mom is a noble motive. It's a shame that it was his secondary motivating factor, with the primary being in his pants.
@@TheCrimsonRevenger Honestly it would've been more honest and on-brand if they just went full edge and left is as a "going full Targaryen" thing. It would narratively fit the game. The intro cinematic starts with pregnant women and babies being sacrificed in a demonic ritual, there's a brothel operated by a necromancer (yes, that implication is exactly what you think), the first boss of the game is a cannibal madman using blood magic derived from corpses he devours in front of Cairon and Calandra etc. etc. So I don't get why they even bothered to go with the "not actually blood-related"-cop out. 🤣
Oh my god, Calandra's voice actor is Alix. (Quite a few characters in Dragon Age Origins, default female Inquisitor voice in Inquisition, Traynor is Mass Effect 3) I'm sorry for her
I took note of him too and had to look up who else they got, 4 people from Vermintide it seems. The sister is Alix Wilton Regan, Kerillian. Bardin, Saltzpyre and Olesya are there as well.
so there's an ending where the main character was a villain the whole time, who pretended not to know anything about the evil scheme, and betrays his sister after having pretended to be in love with her for years? 10/10 GOTY
@@HauklingurI love how you commented that like it’s a gotcha but it’s legit rare to come up with RPGs with actual incest as a plot point; so honestly you just exposed yourself more than anything. Like at best, it’s all German games like Ring: Legend of the Nibelungen which is based on the Wagner opera and the legend the opera is based on that involves a pair of siblings having a son to avenge their clan.
@@tatfly5779 Because as low-budget and incompetent as this game is, the writers and developers were indeed trying to make a gritty dark fantasy. They weren't a bunch of politburo propagandists.
@@koshetz Veilguard is 2020s American leftist politics, pushed into a game where we would all love nothing more than to get away from 2020s American leftist BS. Make Dragon Age Great Again!!!
This commentary is like listening to a David Attenborough doco but the actual dialogue is wild and is causing some kind of internal dissonance 😂😂😂😂 I love it.
'you and calandra are not siblings' 'you came into the world as part of a ritual in which azaril summoned a powerful demon' so... they were born from the same ritual... started by the same person... which would make them siblings still.... okay
It's made by Germans, they ignore your petty moral qualms. They have a party in government (the Greens) who once lobbied hard to legalise animal love (until the yanks bought the party, now they support turning off nuclear power plants so they can burn more coal, the leader waxes nostalgic about her Nazi grandfather and wants to start a war with Russia). This sibling thing is pocket change to them.
If that means that they are siblings, then it unfortunately means that the fight between Cairon and Falk was basically about who got to engage in incest first. I really have no idea what to think about that.
That Falk guy trying to NTR cairon is voiced by Andrew Wincott, also known as the voice for Raphael in Baldur's Gate 3. How did this game get so many great actors?
I think it's similar to how Highlander 2 had Sean Connery in it. Sometimes, you need money more than you need to have any respect for the script you're reading.
wait a minute...killing others to increase ones power until the last one is left as the most powerful one?...being drawn to others with same power. by the quickening! THIS IS HIGHLANDER!
@@SimonBuchanNzone movie a few years later (and not since then) isn't exactly a trope😂 there's Highlander and then Highlander in the future starring Jet Li
@@whitehuayra you sent me to tv tropes to check and I didn't come out for a day! 😄 You're right there's not too many that have *all* the features of "there's a fixed group of people that share a specific power and when one kills another the killer gets the targets strength and they are destined to end up with one", even The One didn't quite fit that as all the Jet Li's got stronger, not just the killer. But there's a lot of people circling around the concepts involved pretty closely, to the extent it seems like deliberate avoidance at a point. I will say this seems more like a direct reference to the Baldur's Gate setup than Highlander, given they're not immortal and the subject of a ritual for someone else to get power, but it seems pretty likely that's just an indirect path to Highlander.
I like how the main character’s goal is a heroic “I want to run away and elope with my hot sister” while the villain is just “MMM YESSS IM GOING TO MARRY YOUR SISTER FOR POOOWAAAAH!!!” Just to hype the player up to… have their sister for themselves???
So, 7 children growing up wanting to kill each other to steal their power and ultimately, allow their demonic father to arise? That's the whole Bhaalspawn plot of BG1...
57:03 Not gonna lie, "portifex maxima" (supreme doorwaymaker) as a pun on the Pope's tile of "pontifex maximus" (supreme bridgebuilder) made me chuckle. It's kinda obscure and kills the drama of the scene, but it is very funny.
@Deusaga i would. I can spend the rest of my life replaying those old and flawed yet fun games. If any AAA developers want my money, they gotta earn it.
@@marcomongke3116 I feel the same. Modern games are so lame, they are afraid to offend everyone. These old games before 2015 were brave and creative. And they gave better fan service.
Cairon getting angry and nearly coming to blows over his sister's planned wedding was when I finally called it quits. I do agree that it was hilarious.
Just in case someone else wants to know it: The voice of margrave Sumudan is Peter Marinker :) And the game is settled in the universe of the (in germany) pretty famous P&P universe of the "The dark eye". It's like the german D&D (and started with exactly that purpose).
Yeah, I feel like if you've ever played a video game or watched an anime, chances are you've heard Peter Marinker's voice. Though he sounds a LOT like Patrick Stewart, here lol
Marinker has a huge list of credits as a voice actor, but most notably he was Kingseeker Frampt in Dark Souls, plus several roles across the Witcher series including Narration and Zoltan in W1 and Thaler in W3,
Somehow, the fact that Calandra is voiced by the iconic Alix Wilton Regan, the voice of the Inquisitor from Dragon Age, Sebille from DOS2, who also appeared in DAO, Mass Effect 3, Cyberpunk and many other great games, really adds to the hilarity and absurdity of this game 😅
For all the people saying "why would professional VA's voice a game like this?" They read the script, saw how wonderfully silly it is and wanted to have some fun with it.
I love how Pre-rendered Cutscene characters look nothing like their in-game counterparts. I also love the fact that RUclips is flagging this game as Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
@@azizalfa752 yeah I was thinking the same. This game graphics, fighting and dialogue might be janky AF, but at least it’s not some DEI hires therapy session turned video game like Veilguard 🤷♀️ Also because the jankiness and weirdness of this make it unintentionally humorous and like it might actually be fun to play. Also it’s cheap at only $4 on steam, so it’s not like it’s a big waste of money if you only play it once for a laugh.
@@azizalfa752 yeah I was thinking the same. This game graphics, fighting and dialogue might be janky, but at least it’s not some woke hires therapy session turned into a video game like Veilguard 🤷♀️ Also because the jankiness of this makes it unintentionally humorous and like it might actually be fun to play. Also it’s cheap, so it’s not like it’s a big waste of money if you only play it once for a laugh.
All these names are from the Dark Eye setting, Germany's D&D so to speak. I played it and read the books a lot. The stories were always fantastical but still very grounded. What the hell happened?!
A relationship ended, and one side was very butthurt about it, trying to snitch on the little secrets behind the scenes? 😉 `But, please: Do not let me keep you from banging your sister, or so.´ 🤣
It was their try to be dark - no pun intended - and edgy. Didn't work out that well... I suggest playing the Drakensang RPGs instead, if you want your fix of Aventuria. (Not to be confused with Drakensang Online, which has nothing to do with the Dark Eye franchise. They only bought the name after the studio which developed Drakensang went bankrupt.)
What is incredible is how many good voice actors are in this game, and how interesting the visual design can be at times. Some of those enemies are outright inspired, and the environment is actually pretty good. Like, clearly a lot of work went into this game and it’s not quite so strictly derivative as it seems early on, though the Temu Witcher description from an earlier comment is very apt
Also Tzar Borimir in Victor Vran, a game that also had Doug Cockle (aka Gerald of Rivia) as main character and Andrew Wincott (Raphael in BG3) as taunting voice in your head
Oh boy, the game is rough and janky. But not in a mechanically broken way. Oh no. The cinematography and acting is hilarious. I wouldn't even say Dragon Age from Wish. More like "Dragon Age from Wish by people who just played through Two Worlds and watched Highlander"
two worlds, now theres a game i havent heard of in a long time. I actually enjoyed the gameplay from that game, but the dialogue and VA was beyond fucky lol.
@@declancampbell1277 Did you ever look at the any% speedrun of Two Worlds? You really need to go see that if you haven't, because how they beat the game is hilarious.
Hold up a minute. Children imbued with power of evil demon/god, urge to murder, absorbing each others gift, brother & sister saved from the temple... that's not wish Dragon Age, that's wish Baldur's Gate :D
OH GOOD LORD this is a Dark Eye game. The moment you said Aventuria, I knew. Aventuria is the setting of Das Schwarze Auge/The Dark Eye, Germany's "we have D&D at home". Played the actual pen and paper roleplaying game when I was a young teen a bunch, was a pretty decent and harmless introduction to the whole hobby. There are some decent videogames based on it even, mainly the DOS games were alright, but just like how Dark Eye could never fully shake the cheap knockoff vibes as a roleplay setting, a lot of the videogames are also low budget affairs made by third rate European game studios ... everything you see makes a lot of sense with that in mind
I wouldn't say 3rd edition it was very much its own thing...and by 4th a set of rules so complicated that every single system had its own separate rulebook....with contradictory things between rulebooks and in the same rulebook....which is why me and my playgroup still play it (in addition to dnd). Also Aventuria in itself is rather different from DnD settings, because so much is extremely detailed. There are separate books for the cultures, faiths, regional differences, ecology and so on. It is probably the most detailed fantasy world put to paper...and is just 1 of many continents on the world in general
I found your channel recently from your Anachronox video. You are hilarious ser. Maybe it's b/c my mom is Scottish and grew up on stuff like "Are you being served" but I never tire of the dry wit humour style. Keep up a good work and happy holidays.
I love when you stumble across a new channel who's content you just know you're going to love. Interesting topic, 1h+, soothing voice, humourous, and funny edits that enhance and don't overtake the overall narrative of the video (couldn't stop grinning at the Holy Grail bit).
The tabletop RPG this is based on is "das schwarze Auge" I play it for 25 years now and it is one of the best rpg systems out there. Sadly the computer game version wasnt always the best...
I was listening to your video while playing and when Falk talked I stopped what I was doing because "Is this Raphael?? Is this voiced by Andrew Wincott?" I looked it up and yes, it's him :D
My god, your comments made this video and the game so much more hilarious. This is the first video I watch from you, stumbled upon it for some reasons, and I'm glad I watched. Well done! And WTF was that end... lol!
Judging by how close the sisters eyes are and how her whole face seems way too small for her head, sibling love might be something that runs in her family
I'm 3 minutes in and already f*cking flabbergasted that this is a DSA ("Das Schwarze Auge") based game, like "Satinav's Chains". The map at 3:10 triggered a whole wave of flashbacks.
An evil curse that gives your character a case of the Skywalkers/Lannisters (depending on your favorite franchise) is more original than your usual "boyscout suddenly wants to eat puppies for breakfast". And works better to scare the player, if this video is any indication. He should play the 1st Drakengard next for more sibling love and general bonkery (and unfortunately, bad combat) - from the weird even by Japanese standard creator of Nier Automata
I feel that Automata was like one game in franchise that actually was developed by competent dev they outsourced it to and the rest were just "janky Dynasty Warriors clone and DRAGONS". I've seen a video essay that tried to make it sound like an old guy making penis jokes is deep and profound so I stay away from that fandom.
13:25 Cairon: "A parry that doesn't look like a parry is the best parry of all!" *SLASHES PERSON IN THE KNEE VIOLENTLY, THROWING THEM BACK FROM THE SHEER FORCE* Cairon: "Parry!"
@@Bear-rl6uk Bad adaptations? The Northland Trilogy was legendary back in the day (though the remakes were indeed shit), and the two Drakensangs were pretty decent, too.
Check out the matchless kungfu here:, don't miss the discount with 25% off during Dec 19th- Jan 2nd (PT)
I'm always here
I once want to be there
I went there
But upon arrival
I was still here
I'm always here..
You know, I actually already Play matchless Kung Fu. The translation can be kinda jank, but it's pretty cool over all.
And the recent changes means that an old master can defeat a young prodigy, if built right (where as previously, having the right bloodline made you almost untouchable.)
Mind you, Karma's still make a pretty big difference.
My only real complaint is that, once you get to a certain level of power, it's hard to find peers to test yourself against who won't just Axe you if you lose a spar. THe master of the Sword school in particular is rather merciless.
Here is hoping they work Gu into something worth using, as well as the poison based martial art. (not that poison isn't useful- as a status effect tied to a weapon- but the Martial art dedicated to it is *terrible*.)
If it's so great then why haven't you made content about it?
@@AsaelTheBeastain't gonna lie My character is so OP that I trivialized the game to it's ending
Hold on you said 11 years yes it came out on steam 11 years a go but it came out on CD in 2010 that's 15 years ish.
The main character literally looks like that guy who failed the Warden joining ritual in DA:O.
I think I know why he failed now
Lol I love the idea he made a game all about himself and imagined what it would be like if he successfully became a Grey Warden.
After I reading this I can't unsee it anymore. :D
Oh he does! Hahah
Ser Jory! Yes I see it
What baffles me about this game is that the romance goes full steam ahead when your characters believe they are related, and then when they're told 'no you're not actually related' it's treated as an afterthought. Like, the core of the romance is that these two characters want to have sex as siblings, no matter what anyone says, and then it's like 'oh wait no they're not actually related.' But they THOUGHT THEY WERE. FOR YEARS. Absolutely baffling.
the only way they could have made this better (worse, but funnier) would have been if them NOT being actually related was a deal-breaker. If they're gonna go all in, might as well go with inverting the trope where suddenly screwing one's sibling is ok because surprise someone's adopted! and take refuge in audacity
I can't stop laughing at how silly this all is.
Say you're my sister, say you're my sister!" Joe Dirt
The author of this story is seemingly revealing something about themselves in this.
Wanting to protect your sister from marrying a creepy dude with an even creepier mom is a noble motive. It's a shame that it was his secondary motivating factor, with the primary being in his pants.
lmao for what's worth she's adopted. Pretty much the backbone of the hub's plot-related content.
@@TheCrimsonRevenger they still grew up together
Honestly it would've been more honest and on-brand if they just went full edge and left is as a "going full Targaryen" thing. It would narratively fit the game.
The intro cinematic starts with pregnant women and babies being sacrificed in a demonic ritual, there's a brothel operated by a necromancer (yes, that implication is exactly what you think), the first boss of the game is a cannibal madman using blood magic derived from corpses he devours in front of Cairon and Calandra etc. etc.
So I don't get why they even bothered to go with the "not actually blood-related"-cop out. 🤣
@@RuSosanplausible denibility
Wow they're not even blood related who cares lmao YAWN
"There is a difference between kneeling and bending over." is a hard line, not gonna lie.
I am glad I wasn't the only one that thought that!
Isn't that from the song "It's okay to be gay"?
Not really, unless you have brainrot lmao.
@bobhill-ol7wp what
I cannot get over how characters wearing million dollar armor and robes are having an engagement party in a burlap yurt.
They didn't have the budget for better. No, I will not clarify if I mean the characters in the game or the developers.
That line "Why would you expect to not be a virgin after a boss battl... oh, wait. Cairon's here." had me rolling. 🤣
i'm dying at the pop-up text that says "1/1 wh*res healed"
"Wait so we're not brother and sister?"
No, son...
"So... we made-out together thinking we were for nothing then..."
I don't even........
You mean we're... not related...?
This sucks!
Came here for Veilguard. Stayed for the incest lmao WTAF
This game sounds like it was written by someone who saw the reveal of Luke and Leia and thought “but wait what if that was framed as a good thing”
tbf, it wasn't framed as a bad thing. @@Xanderj89
Oh my god, Calandra's voice actor is Alix. (Quite a few characters in Dragon Age Origins, default female Inquisitor voice in Inquisition, Traynor is Mass Effect 3)
I'm sorry for her
I’ve been scouring the comments hoping some one else would mention it.
I've been playing veilguard and had seen Inky recently, so it was jarring to hear her.
And Falk's voice actor is Andrew Wincott, who voiced Raphael in BG3!
Llevelan! No!
Hey, a paycheck is a paycheck
Despite the number of DA voice actors I can recognise in this masterpiece, this feels more like a Temu Witcher if anything.
Funny enough, it was described as the german "Witcher" during development/release
"Wh*res healed 1/1" was unexpected
why censor Whore? You got a problem with whores buddy?
Me when I practice self care
That's BG3's Raphael voicing Falk. You know what, when you got a good villain voice, you put it to work.
He's been in a bunch of stuff. Can't blame the voice actors for bad writing and game development. Oh wait..."talisman." lol.
I thought it sounded familiar lol
I took note of him too and had to look up who else they got, 4 people from Vermintide it seems. The sister is Alix Wilton Regan, Kerillian. Bardin, Saltzpyre and Olesya are there as well.
so there's an ending where the main character was a villain the whole time, who pretended not to know anything about the evil scheme, and betrays his sister after having pretended to be in love with her for years?
10/10 GOTY
that sounds... kinda cool, a bit weird but aceptable plot twist to recontextualize the incest
"Now I know its not actual incest, NEVER!!!!"
There are other endings to this game??
yeah that came out of left field and nothing in the story i saw in the video even hints at that being true. its a dumb option but its a dumb game
@ according to my research there are 3
the other two are: your sister sacrifices herself willingly or you sacrifice yourself in her place
Some of the character models and city buildings were ripped straight out of the Witcher 1, this is wild
And the story was ripped straight out of Highlander. ⚔
Same with Dragon Age: Origins. The entire town is Denerim!
Yes it really looks so familiar.
Gotta say, never heard of a game that has incest as a central plot point before.
Crusader Kings has entered the chat.
sure you haven't
@@Hauklingur Not one that isn't an out-and-out nukige anyway.
@@HauklingurI love how you commented that like it’s a gotcha but it’s legit rare to come up with RPGs with actual incest as a plot point; so honestly you just exposed yourself more than anything.
Like at best, it’s all German games like Ring: Legend of the Nibelungen which is based on the Wagner opera and the legend the opera is based on that involves a pair of siblings having a son to avenge their clan.
A huge quantity of RPG-maker H-games has entered the chat .
I have never been so invested and engrossed by a story. Your narration throughout this janky as hell game is captivating.
they really went and made a "what are you doing step bro" game. And this was from 2012, truly a game ahead of its time.
story still better than veilguard somehow....
@@tatfly5779 Because as low-budget and incompetent as this game is, the writers and developers were indeed trying to make a gritty dark fantasy. They weren't a bunch of politburo propagandists.
@@KopperNeoman isn't Veilguard is less political than any Dragon Age released before?
@@koshetz Veilguard is real life political, not ingame, which is kinda the main point.
@@koshetz Veilguard is 2020s American leftist politics, pushed into a game where we would all love nothing more than to get away from 2020s American leftist BS. Make Dragon Age Great Again!!!
*Calandra’s voice is the same as the British Inquisitor in the third Dragon Age and it makes me cackle*
And the MC is Silent Hill 2 Remake James.
i THOUGHT her voice sounded familiar LMFAO
GREAT voice actor. She knows how to pronounce "talisman," lol.
Well you never expect the British Inqusition
Also the voice of Goal from Deponia
The Monty Python guardsmen bits cracked me up.
"...hey..." 🤔
I got the reference too haha
Same. 42:51 for anyone who wants the timestamp.
And a little at 53:36 as a bonus.
The super quick second one made me cackle
This commentary is like listening to a David Attenborough doco but the actual dialogue is wild and is causing some kind of internal dissonance 😂😂😂😂 I love it.
'you and calandra are not siblings' 'you came into the world as part of a ritual in which azaril summoned a powerful demon' so... they were born from the same ritual... started by the same person... which would make them siblings still.... okay
It's made by Germans, they ignore your petty moral qualms. They have a party in government (the Greens) who once lobbied hard to legalise animal love (until the yanks bought the party, now they support turning off nuclear power plants so they can burn more coal, the leader waxes nostalgic about her Nazi grandfather and wants to start a war with Russia). This sibling thing is pocket change to them.
If that means that they are siblings, then it unfortunately means that the fight between Cairon and Falk was basically about who got to engage in incest first. I really have no idea what to think about that.
That Falk guy trying to NTR cairon is voiced by Andrew Wincott, also known as the voice for Raphael in Baldur's Gate 3. How did this game get so many great actors?
I knew his voice sounded familiar!! Also Calandra is voiced by Alix Wilton Regan (Fem Brit Inquisitor's voice from DA Inquisition)
Cause even good voice actors need to pay the rent
I think it's similar to how Highlander 2 had Sean Connery in it. Sometimes, you need money more than you need to have any respect for the script you're reading.
Tbf Falk somehow seems like one of the more sane characters here
The only person who did their job well was a casting director apparently
wait a minute...killing others to increase ones power until the last one is left as the most powerful one?...being drawn to others with same power. by the quickening! THIS IS HIGHLANDER!
Or Jet Li's The One. Not exactly a common trope, but enough that it's hardly a direct reference any more.
@@SimonBuchanNzone movie a few years later (and not since then) isn't exactly a trope😂 there's Highlander and then Highlander in the future starring Jet Li
@@whitehuayra you sent me to tv tropes to check and I didn't come out for a day! 😄
You're right there's not too many that have *all* the features of "there's a fixed group of people that share a specific power and when one kills another the killer gets the targets strength and they are destined to end up with one", even The One didn't quite fit that as all the Jet Li's got stronger, not just the killer.
But there's a lot of people circling around the concepts involved pretty closely, to the extent it seems like deliberate avoidance at a point.
I will say this seems more like a direct reference to the Baldur's Gate setup than Highlander, given they're not immortal and the subject of a ritual for someone else to get power, but it seems pretty likely that's just an indirect path to Highlander.
Highlander and the Child of Bhaal storyline from Baldur's Gate 1.
THANK YOU! Beat me to it! "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!" ☝
I like how the main character’s goal is a heroic “I want to run away and elope with my hot sister” while the villain is just “MMM YESSS IM GOING TO MARRY YOUR SISTER FOR POOOWAAAAH!!!”
Just to hype the player up to… have their sister for themselves???
41:05 The, "Silence! I keel you!" absolutely GOT me! 💀💀💀
i swear I heard that before, it sounds like Jeff Dunham's Achmed character hahaha
That is literally what it is. Edited in.
A certain pony-loving "lego terminator" springs to mind...
Not gonnah lie. That edit was smooth af.
yeah that took me out
You know the pre-rendered cutscenes look pretty good for a game that came out in 2007-2008.
Wait? 2013? I take it back...
Looks better than Gollum
It’s okay guys, they aren’t actually related by blood. Just raised together… as siblings…
So, 7 children growing up wanting to kill each other to steal their power and ultimately, allow their demonic father to arise? That's the whole Bhaalspawn plot of BG1...
Text box: "Sacrifice yourself, I love you!"
Audio: "I only wanted your power, stupid woman!"
A truly Bethesda level dialogue mismatch. XD
"Sacrifice yourself! I don't love you!" is what the option actually said, so not as egregious.
@aaronbyers2458 my eyes must not have registered it haha!
Nah it does say I dont love you.
And this is a perfect example of why upvotes don't matter.
@@RuneKatashima This is not reddit
57:03 Not gonna lie, "portifex maxima" (supreme doorwaymaker) as a pun on the Pope's tile of "pontifex maximus" (supreme bridgebuilder) made me chuckle. It's kinda obscure and kills the drama of the scene, but it is very funny.
I love this era of unfiltered and raw games.
Yeah, 2000's and early 2010's.
Two worlds was so clunky and bad, but also.. good. Bad good. haha. Not really now though, can't go back to play it hah.
@Deusaga i would. I can spend the rest of my life replaying those old and flawed yet fun games. If any AAA developers want my money, they gotta earn it.
@@marcomongke3116Well said!
@@Deusaga I recently played Two Worlds and honestly its not as bad as people say.
@@marcomongke3116 I feel the same. Modern games are so lame, they are afraid to offend everyone. These old games before 2015 were brave and creative. And they gave better fan service.
30:38 "Do you hear me?"
No, your armor's death-rattling too loud.
Cairon getting angry and nearly coming to blows over his sister's planned wedding was when I finally called it quits. I do agree that it was hilarious.
Just in case someone else wants to know it: The voice of margrave Sumudan is Peter Marinker :)
And the game is settled in the universe of the (in germany) pretty famous P&P universe of the "The dark eye". It's like the german D&D (and started with exactly that purpose).
Yeah, I feel like if you've ever played a video game or watched an anime, chances are you've heard Peter Marinker's voice. Though he sounds a LOT like Patrick Stewart, here lol
He's the narrator from The Witcher 1.
Marinker has a huge list of credits as a voice actor, but most notably he was Kingseeker Frampt in Dark Souls, plus several roles across the Witcher series including Narration and Zoltan in W1 and Thaler in W3,
I had an immediate throwback to Anno 1404 as that's where I've heard that voice in that tone so many times.
@@Morboeatspeople He sounds like the love child of Patrick Stewart and Tom Baker, here.
Somehow, the fact that Calandra is voiced by the iconic Alix Wilton Regan, the voice of the Inquisitor from Dragon Age, Sebille from DOS2, who also appeared in DAO, Mass Effect 3, Cyberpunk and many other great games, really adds to the hilarity and absurdity of this game 😅
A whole game about saving your sisterwife is an interesting premise
For all the people saying "why would professional VA's voice a game like this?" They read the script, saw how wonderfully silly it is and wanted to have some fun with it.
And money.
The fact that youtube shows the Game in this Video as "Dragon Age: The Veilguard" under the infobox is INSANE, and kind of funny.
Fun fact. Calandra is voiced by the actress who voices Samantha Traynor in Mass Effect 3. Crazy this came out a year after that game.
This is why even voice actors should consider hiring a professional agent.
Paying work is paying work. . .
I love how Pre-rendered Cutscene characters look nothing like their in-game counterparts. I also love the fact that RUclips is flagging this game as Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
I really like these longer ones where you recap the whole game
Same because I am totally never going to play these old games.
Still better than veilguard, problem is running it in windows 11
@@redraijin8696better then woke new game i would prefer that then veilguard
@@azizalfa752 yeah I was thinking the same. This game graphics, fighting and dialogue might be janky AF, but at least it’s not some DEI hires therapy session turned video game like Veilguard 🤷♀️
Also because the jankiness and weirdness of this make it unintentionally humorous and like it might actually be fun to play. Also it’s cheap at only $4 on steam, so it’s not like it’s a big waste of money if you only play it once for a laugh.
@@azizalfa752 yeah I was thinking the same. This game graphics, fighting and dialogue might be janky, but at least it’s not some woke hires therapy session turned into a video game like Veilguard 🤷♀️
Also because the jankiness of this makes it unintentionally humorous and like it might actually be fun to play. Also it’s cheap, so it’s not like it’s a big waste of money if you only play it once for a laugh.
All these names are from the Dark Eye setting, Germany's D&D so to speak. I played it and read the books a lot. The stories were always fantastical but still very grounded. What the hell happened?!
A relationship ended, and one side was very butthurt about it, trying to snitch on the little secrets behind the scenes? 😉 `But, please: Do not let me keep you from banging your sister, or so.´ 🤣
It was their try to be dark - no pun intended - and edgy. Didn't work out that well... I suggest playing the Drakensang RPGs instead, if you want your fix of Aventuria. (Not to be confused with Drakensang Online, which has nothing to do with the Dark Eye franchise. They only bought the name after the studio which developed Drakensang went bankrupt.)
@@Reviel17 Drakensang 1 and 2 are really quite good. The DLC for the 2nd is neat too.
This is literally a Dark Eye game! We went from Realms to Arkania to this, lol
Yeah. I understand that this is a The Dark Eye game but I can not comprehend it.
'Silence! I kill you' really flashbanged me
47:50 - Listened to this segment over and over, until the line "Chosen Undead." slid into my brain. Hit me like a sack of bricks.
I hate that the shading on Cairon’s pants makes it look like he’s wearing assless chaps
Usually we need to install mods for that.
That's exactly what I was thinking....for a split second...does he? he doesn't... does he? Lol
Well would fit the general setting
He is, he just Hides it well.
Aren't literally all chaps assless?
All chaps are assless, that's what makes them chaps instead of pants.
I immediately pegged your mystery voice as Kingseeker Frampt from Dark Souls.
1 hour video that felt like 20 minutes.
You are an absolute chad when it comes to making a long time feel short and fun
What is incredible is how many good voice actors are in this game, and how interesting the visual design can be at times. Some of those enemies are outright inspired, and the environment is actually pretty good. Like, clearly a lot of work went into this game and it’s not quite so strictly derivative as it seems early on, though the Temu Witcher description from an earlier comment is very apt
The funny thing is the voice cast for this ridiculous game is...actually decent. The player character is Luke Roberts ffs.
Not the Monty python Lancelot run 😂
Love your editing and humor in these videos of games I will never play, keep it up :)
The reverend is Kingseeker Frampt from Dark Souls and that stoney dude in Dark Souls 2
Also Tzar Borimir in Victor Vran, a game that also had Doug Cockle (aka Gerald of Rivia) as main character and Andrew Wincott (Raphael in BG3) as taunting voice in your head
Also he is the announcer in Anno 1404
Frampt! That explains it.
I was thinking he was one of the guys who reads quotes after researching new techs in Civilization.
He's also the narrator for the first Witcher game and the voice of thaler in both 1&3. (Peter Marinker btw)
Also narrator of the original Knights of Honour
It's like someone was watching Highlander, reading Game of Thrones and playing Dragon Age 2 at the same time.
Oh boy, the game is rough and janky.
But not in a mechanically broken way. Oh no. The cinematography and acting is hilarious.
I wouldn't even say Dragon Age from Wish. More like "Dragon Age from Wish by people who just played through Two Worlds and watched Highlander"
Hey, don't bash Highlander!!!! (There's only one).
@@StNerevar76 Indeed, there's only Highlander: The Source.
two worlds, now theres a game i havent heard of in a long time. I actually enjoyed the gameplay from that game, but the dialogue and VA was beyond fucky lol.
Dragon Age by the Zelda CDI devs
@@declancampbell1277 Did you ever look at the any% speedrun of Two Worlds? You really need to go see that if you haven't, because how they beat the game is hilarious.
The irony of the sister being a voice of FemQuisitor will never stop being funny to me.
I need to replay DAI real quick for maximum hilarity.
zombies with ninja speed is a really scary concept
Hold up a minute. Children imbued with power of evil demon/god, urge to murder, absorbing each others gift, brother & sister saved from the temple... that's not wish Dragon Age, that's wish Baldur's Gate :D
And in BG 2 Imoen in several places makes hints about feelings towards Gorion's ward. Just here and there.
OH GOOD LORD this is a Dark Eye game. The moment you said Aventuria, I knew. Aventuria is the setting of Das Schwarze Auge/The Dark Eye, Germany's "we have D&D at home". Played the actual pen and paper roleplaying game when I was a young teen a bunch, was a pretty decent and harmless introduction to the whole hobby. There are some decent videogames based on it even, mainly the DOS games were alright, but just like how Dark Eye could never fully shake the cheap knockoff vibes as a roleplay setting, a lot of the videogames are also low budget affairs made by third rate European game studios ... everything you see makes a lot of sense with that in mind
I wouldn't say 3rd edition it was very much its own thing...and by 4th a set of rules so complicated that every single system had its own separate rulebook....with contradictory things between rulebooks and in the same rulebook....which is why me and my playgroup still play it (in addition to dnd). Also Aventuria in itself is rather different from DnD settings, because so much is extremely detailed. There are separate books for the cultures, faiths, regional differences, ecology and so on. It is probably the most detailed fantasy world put to paper...and is just 1 of many continents on the world in general
40:48 What IS that frog doing? Most compelling character arc in the game
If you told me as a kid there’d be a game thats like a fusion of Neverwinter Nights, Fable, and Dragon Age, I would’ve been so excited…
Latika is such a mood. I love her 😂
No HR watching over the shoulder for this game's dialogue lmao. Love it.
Jaimie and Cirse Lannister would be proud of these siblings.
I found your channel recently from your Anachronox video. You are hilarious ser. Maybe it's b/c my mom is Scottish and grew up on stuff like "Are you being served" but I never tire of the dry wit humour style.
Keep up a good work and happy holidays.
41:52 Ahahahah! The Monty Python reference was greatly appreciated!! Hah!
Andrew Wincott voicing Falk makes it a win LOL
This and the Anachronox video are amazing I love how it's a game synopsis but formatted like a movie where you're a narrator.
The Arnold Schwarzenegger aaarrrrrrrrgh when he dies is making me rofl
Calandra’s actress should get an award for managing to sell those wild lines.
That Monty Python bit made me choke on my drink, thank you sir
I love when you stumble across a new channel who's content you just know you're going to love. Interesting topic, 1h+, soothing voice, humourous, and funny edits that enhance and don't overtake the overall narrative of the video (couldn't stop grinning at the Holy Grail bit).
The tabletop RPG this is based on is "das schwarze Auge" I play it for 25 years now and it is one of the best rpg systems out there. Sadly the computer game version wasnt always the best...
but funnily enough the modules based around them are quite interesting.
I think the most amazing thing about this game is, how the voice actors read their lines without pissing themselves laughing!
As a fellow Anno 1800 player I INSTANTLY knew that voice... deeply ingrained nightmares indeed.
Having played more Anno 2070, it luckily doesn't awaken nightmares.
I was listening to your video while playing and when Falk talked I stopped what I was doing because "Is this Raphael?? Is this voiced by Andrew Wincott?" I looked it up and yes, it's him :D
The voice acting is so good though!!
Mustve been where the production budget went
My god, your comments made this video and the game so much more hilarious. This is the first video I watch from you, stumbled upon it for some reasons, and I'm glad I watched. Well done! And WTF was that end... lol!
Judging by how close the sisters eyes are and how her whole face seems way too small for her head, sibling love might be something that runs in her family
Okay this video is brilliant. The editing and such and limited downtime makes it very compelling to keep watching and listening.
Back when bad writing meant that at least it was going to be somewhat unpredictable... to think I would miss those times.
The designs of the siblings somehow scream mediaeval jane and john shepard to me :D
I'm 3 minutes in and already f*cking flabbergasted that this is a DSA ("Das Schwarze Auge") based game, like "Satinav's Chains". The map at 3:10 triggered a whole wave of flashbacks.
Talk about that WINCEST amarite guys?
Cheers mate, appreciate that 👍
42:51 oh I love you for recreating this! ♥️
"Mom, please buy me Dragon Age."
"We already have it at home."
This made me nearly cry from laughing-the edits, the humor, the soccer ball callbacks?? Subscribed immediately! 😂
11:27 "Thargunitoth" damn that word gives me nightmares at night
42:50 this is the best gag anyone has ever had in a YT video, AMAZING 11/10
Cairon yelling at dying Falk for answers had me dying.
The football thing done it for me. I lost control and couldn't stop laughing.
42:47 yes! XD thank you for this highest of classical memes the second the drumming started i recognized it.
An evil curse that gives your character a case of the Skywalkers/Lannisters (depending on your favorite franchise) is more original than your usual "boyscout suddenly wants to eat puppies for breakfast". And works better to scare the player, if this video is any indication.
He should play the 1st Drakengard next for more sibling love and general bonkery (and unfortunately, bad combat) - from the weird even by Japanese standard creator of Nier Automata
I feel that Automata was like one game in franchise that actually was developed by competent dev they outsourced it to and the rest were just "janky Dynasty Warriors clone and DRAGONS". I've seen a video essay that tried to make it sound like an old guy making penis jokes is deep and profound so I stay away from that fandom.
I was expecting the "Sister"' to end up stuck in a laundry washing machine at some point.
Okay I got to give the game credit that final choice was actually kind neat and unexpected.
The type of game where devs certainly had fun while creating it.
The Reverend guy sounds kind of like PlagueOfGripes.
Cairon: "A parry that doesn't look like a parry is the best parry of all!"
Cairon: "Parry!"
Oh hahaha, that is a "The Dark Eye" game, a famous RPG setting and system here in germany
I knew I recognised the deity’s names from somewhere !
@winfehler yeah, the main villian from the intro, Borbarad, had a huge campaign in the TTRPG
And sadly famous for bad PC adaptions.
@@Bear-rl6uk Bad adaptations? The Northland Trilogy was legendary back in the day (though the remakes were indeed shit), and the two Drakensangs were pretty decent, too.
At least nobody "pulls a Barve"...
The Reverend is the narrator of The Guild franchise.