Being of modest vertical stature myself (I'm a Middle-earth Dwarf, after all! - well, I'm built like one, at least, and when my hair was to the middle of my back, I could pull off a pretty good Thorin Oakenshield impression, but I digress...), I tend toward those that are closer to my own height. Of course, that doesn't really explain why many of my IRL LIs have been about 5'8" when I'm 5'6" without boots - walking heel gets me about 5'8", though.
Given my penchant for red heads and height preferences, the twins are kind of my groove. While I prefer athletic, or at least reasonably fit (something I really like about Debbie), Megan is pretty cute and Lisa ain't bad. Come to think of it, most of them have something I find very appealing... Maybe it's the frequent pot-lucks and penchant for buffets in my youth - I wanna taste of all of it.

Also, while "connect the dots" is a fun game with freckled redheads, I wouldn't mind experiencing a real-life Kim, either. The look is fascinating and while it is certainly different, it would be fun to bring her pleasure by gently tracing her lines - just another form of foreplay she can experience that other girls can't, at least not in the same way (gotta look for the positives and squash those negative impressions!).
Finally, while I'm your basic Germanic/Italian white dude, I do have a similar condition on my hands. It has always been "static", not progressive, and you have to look closely to see it most of the time, but it stands out when I've been outside a lot and gotten a lot of sun - just these couple of areas along my forefinger and thumb and just along the top that don't take any color, heavier on the left, but also on the right. When I was a kid, some of the other children would tease that I had some kind of disease or that I was part albino or whatnot, but it wasn't the kind of thing that ever let bother me - I'd just threaten to touch them when they did.