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Mar 5, 7:59 AM

Nov 2011
There's angel lore in this show?!

Realistically, this episode is a scary thought in the middle field when they're faced with a case of leukemia. Takao is challenged yet again at the hospital but tbh, she's doing the best she possibly could here. I don't see her improve much more than this.
Mar 5, 8:03 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Such a sad episode.

Now you have to feel bad for those three kids. They understood their mistake and wanted to make Kenta feel at least a little bit better. Anyway, they clearly went way too far. I'm glad they didn't get hurt.

R.I.P Kenta. :( Well, I guess he died happily thanks to Takao.

I think this show should have been more like this from the very beginning. More medical cases instead of all the detective work.

SerafosMar 5, 8:19 PM
Mar 5, 8:52 AM

Feb 2019
"You’re a good kid so I’m sure the angel will take you up to heaven" 😭 man I wanted to open up talking about how sweet the boys were for pretending to be sick to cheer up Kenta but fuck that ending was too heavy. It ain’t fair. Fuck cancer. No child should ever have to through this. Hits even harder for me since it’s just a couple days after what would’ve been my dad’s 79th birthday who I lost to cancer in 2012. Even though it's a fictional story, it's an all to real situation that affects too many people. I pray one day we put an end to this dreaded disease forever.

Going back to the kids pretending to be sick to stay and comfort Kenta during his last days.. wow, can you imagine friends who would literally risk their lives by stopping their fucking hearts just to stay close to you and make you feel better? I was so ready to complain about how the culprits ended up being underwhelming, but the rationale for their actions is what makes this twist so good.

"All I could do was read a picture book to him" ... fuck. While this arc was excrutiantingly painful, I think it was necesaary for Takao to realize just how powerless doctors really are. When the good lord says it's your time, you're going. The series had sort of hyped her up as an almost superhero like character and this brought her back down to Earth. Yes, she's smart as hell and the doctor I'd want caring for me, but she is still just a human at the end of the day and we're all just living at the mercy of fate. This should help her become a much better doctor and person going forward. My one complaint is wtf Kotori, you see Takao crying her eyes out and you cut the music on instead of hugging her? That annoyed tf outta me lmao. HUG A CRYING GIRL ffs.

Not the parents giving her Kenta's cap too... FUCK and him dying on Christmas makes everything 1000x sadder. Just a tearful episode all around. The detective episodes are great, but there's something so profound about these simple medical cases.
Marinate1016Mar 5, 10:52 AM
Mar 5, 9:49 AM

Apr 2010
First the hospital let's a terminally kid get bullied than it let's a few children steal medication and they don't even notice the medication is gone.
What's going on at that department.
I would have installed a camera at the desk it's a public place and it has easy access to medication so having some form of watch is normal.
Mar 5, 10:07 AM

Jul 2016
Willingly giving yourself heart attacks just so you can keep someone you've wronged before happy as long as you can is such an extreme form of atonement and yet I can totally see a bunch of crafty kids coming up with it. Man, that was heavy.
Mar 5, 10:29 AM

Apr 2014
RIP Kenta. That was very sad.
For a second, I thought Takao would dress up as an angel for Kenta.
Mar 5, 10:40 AM

Jun 2015
Must had been nice to have Ayaneru by my bedside telling me a story lol. The revelation that the kid was the culprit was kinda surprising. I was expecting a third party. The angel was a pretty simple explanation. Their motivation for doing what they did though understandable was also quite flawed. Must be horrible being in a room and seeing a family member breath their last for both family and doctors and nurses. Dying at such a young age is a tragedy.
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Mar 5, 10:42 AM

Mar 2021
This was simply heartbreaking seing such a sweet kid like Kenta dying at such a young age but am glad him and Takao got to see each other again before he passed away.
Mar 5, 10:44 AM
Dec 2017
Man, the closing lines of the ED song juxtapose with the contents of the episode in a very heavy and sad way: "We'll be fine."

Hopefully Takao and Kotori will actually be fine after this. I'm sure Kotori will, and it seems like Takao recovered relatively quickly
Mar 5, 10:50 AM
Sep 2015
I've to say that the trick this time is quite unbelievable in both medical and practical sense, but I've to remind myself that the ultimate goal of this anime is emotional.
Mar 5, 11:22 AM
May 2023
This Episode Played out exaclty like i would have guessed. So i knew what was coming.
And it still hurt like hell. 😭
Fuck cancer!
Mar 5, 11:47 AM

Jul 2021
phantomfandom said:
Those three naughty boys feel bad about the cancer boy, so they try to create the angel by cutting the angel from the book and project it at night. Of course, they've to fake their illness to extend their stay at the hospital. But the last part doesn't seem fake to me, maybe the faking method gone wrong or his symptom appear.

Spot-on prediction last week.

Introspective and challenging storyline. But...

The red-haired kid knew that ATP treats his heart symptoms. Okay. How did he then jump to the conclusion that ATP injection while you're in "normal" condition would cause such a variety of symptoms, and that it won't be too dangerous?

Also, I don't think she can just discharge patients without explaining why, even if it was to set a trap for them... One of them had a cardiac arrest earlier. It didn't look like even the other doctors knew what she was really doing, and they just stood by and did nothing?

Also also, if you shine the flashlight diagonally through the window like that, the angel's going to look all skewed... But I didn't see how the room exactly looked, so, meh.
Mar 5, 11:56 AM
Oct 2017
Reply to Serafos
Such a sad episode.

Now you have to feel bad for those three kids. They understood their mistake and wanted to make Kenta feel at least a little bit better. Anyway, they clearly went way too far. I'm glad they didn't get hurt.

R.I.P Kenta. :( Well, I guess he died happily thanks to Takao.

I think this show should have been more like this from the very beginning. More medical cases instead of all the detective work.

@Serafos well the detective stuff is intrinsic to the very premise
Mar 5, 11:57 AM

Sep 2018
Kotori wallowing in despair is a bit much. Maybe it's the "House" effect though, watching S1 alongside this.
Mar 5, 12:13 PM

Feb 2012
I still wasn't prepared to see that scene, man...

I noticed Kenta's hat and other items from previous episodes in the intro.

Glancing at the window last episode, Takao already put together how the three kids did it but she felt it was kinder to Kenta to let them continue showing him angel every day until then, and so she withheld the information from her colleagues.

Oh, I was wrong, the three kids' symptoms were intentionally self-inflicted. I had thought they were experiencing side-effects of opening the window for their prankatonement, being exposed to the cold winter soon after their treatment. Instead, they went to the drawers to take ampules of ATP, since they knew it could stop hearts. It was a big risk; Atsushi mistakenly took a higher concentration, stopping his own heart for longer. They would endure vomiting and cardiac arrests to show Kenta an angel, not leaving until Kenta left...

Takao, self-aware of her disorder, had to work past her fear of saying the wrong thing to Kenta on his deathbed, but she managed to overcome that obstacle and sat bedside with immediate approval from his parents. Following Kenta's passing, her next obstacle was the regret that she didn't do enough, but Kotori assures her reading the picture book was enough for Kenta; it was exactly what he wanted in the end.
It's a meaningful moment for Takao to be reminded doctors have to accept they are powerless sometimes. Before they can break tragic news to their patients, they must be able to break it to themselves.
Fortress_MaximusMar 5, 12:36 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Mar 5, 12:53 PM

Jul 2022
It was nice to see the three kids wanting to atone for what they did to Kenta. However, I still find what happened a bit inconsistent. The kid, before he messed up the vials, already knew the exact amount of medicine needed to induce an arrhythmia in his previous attempts, and I imagine that injecting a needle into a vein is not easy at all; we're talking about 12-year-olds. And even if that could be explained, didn't any doctor or nurse notice that there was a lack of medicine?

Putting that aside, this episode was very painful and charming. I was mentally prepared, but it was still painful. What happened to Kenta was inevitable, and it's heartbreaking, as Takao said, that someone like him, a boy of only eight years old, had to die is unfair. This episode felt like a season finale, and I loved how they didn't use background music during Kenta's scene, which made it even more immersive.

RIP, Kenta.
Mar 5, 1:10 PM
Dec 2020
RIP kenta
This episode is alone enough to make me never want to work at a hospital
Gotta respect doctors so much to be able to go through this everyday.
Mar 5, 1:16 PM

Dec 2023
This series must be getting easy to predict or something. I was literally just guessing last week and somehow figured the whole thing out. The 3 boys really did bully him without knowing why he had no hair, and they were actually doing the angel thing cause they felt shame for bullying him.

Well I'll admit it was pretty sad to watch but the production that just keeps going downhill really isn't helping here. The fact that everything is predictable didn't help this episode much either. I'm still gonna continue and finish this but it's just sad to see how poorly this has been treated by project management. It easily could've been better with more animation time and better episode directing.
Mar 5, 3:01 PM
Jun 2023
Sayōnara, Kenta-kun :(
Mar 5, 4:24 PM

Feb 2025
Takao crying with the Christmas song playing in the background, Yuu wishing her a merry christmas... Ouch man.. RIP Kenta..

Imouto suki

Tsundere-Chuuni-Imoutos save me...

Mar 5, 4:27 PM
Jul 2024
Man, this episode just freaking hurts. I wasn't expecting him to die so soon.
Mar 5, 4:35 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to GakutoDeathGlare
Kotori wallowing in despair is a bit much. Maybe it's the "House" effect though, watching S1 alongside this.
@GakutoDeathGlare Working in Pediatric Oncology is probably about the hardest thing any doctor can do/face.
Mar 5, 4:43 PM

Sep 2020
I didn't think that the three brats would be completely redeemed in this episode.
Mar 5, 4:48 PM
May 2017
An excellent episode which closes an arc speaking enough about Dr. Takao.

Kenta was surgical about Dr. Takao -- she is Dr. Kid.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Mar 5, 4:56 PM
Mar 2015
dude the last 8 mins were some of the slowest yet heartbreaking mins from a show I've watched. going from thinking "Kenta just stay with us a lil longer till "dr. kid" shows up" to "fuck cancer" as im bawling my eyes out. I will say the lowering of "Dr.kid's" voice reading the book as the heart monitor get louder and slower till you what I think is him flatlining (it's not very long it's a very quick or you'll miss it) makes this already heartwrenching scenes even more tragic but well done.
Mar 5, 7:37 PM

Dec 2021
See, I wanted to like this episode as this is probably the best "case" or whatever so far (not a high bar tbf though, so), but man do these mysteries suck. "The hospital is stupid" isn’t a good answer. Nurses’ station empty for no reason? Meds just lying around? No one noticing? Security cameras useless?

I’m no doctor, but no way hospitals work like this.

Also, some kid injecting himself from an ampule is so dumb and deadly. Even if he doesn’t mess up with air, he’s asking for an infection... Again though, I found myself enjoying this case the most so far, and I really do hope they stick to being in the hospital, as from what the other cases have shown me, the detective aspect is real shit.

Mar 5, 7:50 PM
Feb 2024
That was probably the strongest episode in the series thus far in my opinion, the beginning half with the kids and their fake symptoms was a little ropey but I could look past it, and of course the second half with Kenta's passing was very well done, more anime should handle death scenes like that.
Mar 5, 9:11 PM
Feb 2025
yes I cried you got a problem!! but yes that's one of the worst things to get, and no cure 😞
Mar 5, 10:15 PM

Jul 2021
IzanaSolos said:
Also, some kid injecting himself from an ampule is so dumb and deadly. Even if he doesn’t mess up with air, he’s asking for an infection...

Yeah that sounds insane. I just assumed that the kids added the ATP into an already-connected IV bag; I think there was a quick cut-away to it.

But now I'm not sure how easy it is to tear an IV bag without bursting it completely, and also it's unlikely that the hospital wouldn't notice it, especially after the patient had an unexplained symptom while connected.

As for the kids successfully stealing ATP, multiple times, I don't think they can justify this... But the hospital has already been proven to be absolutely full of holes, like inducing seizures in patients standing in the middle of the room or letting a doctor see a patient who is suing her.
Mar 5, 10:28 PM
Dec 2013
I'm a neurosurgery resident, and I've been liking most of the cases so far (House was one of the trigger that made me want to study medicine 17+ years ago).

Losing patients to their illness is hard, I'd say I've grown some sort of resistance by distancing my personal life to the patients' but sometimes when I get close, it hits like a truck.

Aversa said:
I would have installed a camera at the desk it's a public place and it has easy access to medication so having some form of watch is normal.

Idk their situation, I only had 1 month of exchange in Japan 10 years ago, but in my country we're understaffed, underpaid, and the hospital kept trying to cut cost.

There would be some sort of accounting the stock, but it's done something like once a month or so.

If there's a security camera, unless they realize something were missing, they won't check the footage. I assume there is none, since the 3 brats can throw away his picture book to the trash without being caught

Narizor said:
I imagine that injecting a needle into a vein is not easy at all; we're talking about 12-year-olds. And even if that could be explained

They'd have an IV line placed by the time they got hospitalized. Just remove the needle from the syringe after getting the drug from the vial, open the port, and you can inject it.

Mar 5, 11:59 PM

Oct 2020
Eat your heart out, Jun Maeda. THIS is how you write children with terminal illnesses and how they pass away. It is tragically real and should be treated with the upmost seriousness and sincerity.

Ameku M.D.'s finest 22 minutes. After last week's shocking cliffhanger, the reveal of the culprits and what was going on was cool to see. I really appreciate how they handled Kenta's final moments, no music, no melodramatics, just silence and some dialogue. It was a really respectful and the beeping of the monitor and how it fades is tearjerking. After so many episodes solving medical mysteries and piecing together Machiavellian plots, Dr. Takao being faced with this hard truth for those in the medical industry is a solid part of her character journey, Ayane Sakura deserves all the credit for how she voiced Takao's emotional breakdown and writing it to the tune of Christmas music on a vinyl turntable (neat addition btw, adds some nice quiet character detail to her) drowning her sobs out is genius on the Mangaka's part.
zdeisterreviewsMar 6, 12:21 AM
Mar 6, 12:04 AM
Jan 2022
I don't get emotional much but that got me close to crying, goddamn. fuck cancer
Mar 6, 12:05 AM
Nov 2023
i saw this right after amagami sisters and i passed from a ton of laughs to be just sad bro :c
Such a sad episode in general

RIP Kenta
Mar 6, 12:28 AM

Jul 2024
Reply to popa910
Man, the closing lines of the ED song juxtapose with the contents of the episode in a very heavy and sad way: "We'll be fine."

Hopefully Takao and Kotori will actually be fine after this. I'm sure Kotori will, and it seems like Takao recovered relatively quickly
@popa910 Reminds me of one of the first patient deaths in the TV series of Scrubs, where Dr. Cox explains to JD, that they're doctors, and even though nobody else in that patient's room is going back to work today, they're going to.

This episode hits hard. Terminally-ill kids will never stop being sad.
Mar 6, 1:13 AM
Jan 2023
The saddest episode! Here we can see, the feelings of a doctor when the patient he/she treated or accompanied for a long time finally could not survive and lost his life.

I felt like I couldn't stand seeing Dr. Takao cry at the end😭

But, I feel happy when she was cheerful again :)

R.I.P Kenta :(
Mar 6, 6:50 AM

Oct 2017
No miracle? :)

I knew what was going on with the kids, one look at that red hair kid and you could tell. Though the fact that nobody realised important medicines were missing was unrealistic or you could say this hospital's just shit. But anyway that wasn't the point of this case, it was to show how helplessly powerless humans are.
Mar 6, 9:04 AM
Feb 2021
This episode was peak. I couldn't look away for one second, only 3 more to go I love this show so much.
Mar 6, 10:22 AM

Nov 2011
this hit even harder than a previous one.
Mar 6, 2:30 PM

Aug 2020
it was a great ep

but it is that easy to steal...

i was blaming the children for what they did but then... ok wow
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Mar 6, 2:36 PM

Mar 2018
I dont remember the last time I cried in my life... And this episode made me cry...

And what I was thinking it was true, the three guys were responsible for the angel
Sport Club Corinthians Paulist is the biggest football team in the world.
51 is cachaça
Mar 6, 5:06 PM
Apr 2024
Man, this hopsital must be seriously understaffed, apparently kids can do whatever they want

but this is a sad episode, sometimes there's nothing a doctor can do to save the patient, so Takao shouldn't be too hard on herself.
Mar 6, 7:06 PM

Apr 2023
Reply to IzanaSolos
See, I wanted to like this episode as this is probably the best "case" or whatever so far (not a high bar tbf though, so), but man do these mysteries suck. "The hospital is stupid" isn’t a good answer. Nurses’ station empty for no reason? Meds just lying around? No one noticing? Security cameras useless?

I’m no doctor, but no way hospitals work like this.

Also, some kid injecting himself from an ampule is so dumb and deadly. Even if he doesn’t mess up with air, he’s asking for an infection... Again though, I found myself enjoying this case the most so far, and I really do hope they stick to being in the hospital, as from what the other cases have shown me, the detective aspect is real shit.
Hey, bro they can't had the kids in their eyes 24/7, there is no reason for doing that. These kids don't had suicidal attempts or some special condition that requieres vigilance 24/7. I don't know if you notice the telephone in the kids room, that is for assitence, you just cant vigilance a kids 24/7 if there is no reason for that.
they need their space, you know. Also you can't have camaras in the pacient room.
Hospitals prioritize patient privacy and confidentiality.

Why the nurses should be need to stay in their station always?
The nurses need rest, you know. nobody expected that the kids did that thing.
And yeah kids doing dumb things are normal.

Sorry if I had some mistake, english is not my frist language.
Mar 6, 7:19 PM
Jul 2024
Like in the previous episode: FUCKING CANCER! And at Christmas. FFS!!!

Mar 7, 5:13 AM
Aug 2018
This series has got problems, but I respect it for how realistically it portrayed dying. A pleasant surprise from all the pathetic, loud, whiny bed deaths in other anime.
Mar 7, 8:02 AM

Oct 2023
I immediately sang AKB48's "365 Days of Paper Airplanes" during that last moment with Kenta. RIP.
Mar 7, 10:04 AM
Jan 2015
Reply to animelatonina
This series has got problems, but I respect it for how realistically it portrayed dying. A pleasant surprise from all the pathetic, loud, whiny bed deaths in other anime.
@animelatonina animation is just crap, even static pictures are terrible quality (like eyes being at different levels, for example, and this happened multiple times).
Which is sad because most of the time story is pretty good, voice acting is really good, just that animation and picture both are literal junk.
Well, if you distance yourself from this fact show is pretty enjoyable...
Mar 7, 3:22 PM

Jan 2010
Ameku's so smart but so stupid at the same time. This episode did nothing to make me like or feel sympathetic to her. I can't believe they vindicated those bullies as well this episode was bad on many levels. Ameku's crying was atrocious to listen to.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Mar 7, 4:50 PM

Mar 2008
Damn, I was hoping for an asspull of a way to treat his cancer or that it wasnt actually cancer. At least those boys went through so much effort to make up for things and not even for ego just they felt so bad. Poor Takao and RIP Kenta

Some of these comments, have you all never been in a hospital? Many are very busy and do not really have control over everything. Sometimes medicine just go missing and no one notices.
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Mar 7, 11:58 PM
Mar 2023
Jeez that was dark and depressing, if you didn’t cry then you have no soul
Mar 8, 2:31 PM

Feb 2015
This episode and the last broke me. The framing and setup as well as insight into Takao's character brought together by an absolute stellar voice performance might make this my favorite episode of any anime for a long time. Words don't do it justice.
Censorship is vandalism.
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Stark700 - Jan 1

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Yesterday, 3:03 PM

Poll: » Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte Episode 1 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Jan 1

109 by RGreatDanton »»
Yesterday, 1:38 AM

Poll: » Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Feb 26

53 by Estoy_Gordo »»
Mar 21, 3:50 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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