I just want to say how much I appreciate you. Your channel is wholesome and a restful place for me to unwind and find some marvellous books I almost am guaranteed to love
I'm a bit surprised how many of these I've even read, much less can count as books I loved. Teller of Small Fortunes, Emily Wilde, A River Enchanted, Yumi, Guards Guards, Tress, all wonderful books. Yumi in particular I really loved.
What a great list, and just at the perfect time. I've read way more of these than I thought I would have, and have added the rest to my wishlist! I'm really in the mood for cosy vibes ❤
Glad to have found this and really like the channel. Unfortunately my Reading list(S) are crowded as always 🤣 but I will definitively save this video, so when I free it up a bit, I can check the titles I liked 😊
You hit on so many I love! The Spellshop, Emily Wilde, Yumi, The House in the Cerulean Sea are all some of my favorites. I see a lot here that will go on my wish list for sure.
How is it possible you make me increase my bucket list so fast... every time I watch one of your videos I have to take note quite a few new books I feel I NEED to read soon. Please stop, I don´t know if I will have enough life for so many books. haha I love you mentioned Peter Beagle because I am a big fan of The last unicorn, and the edition you showed is incredible beautiful. By the way, I liked the way you started with the books one side and you go flipping each one meanwhile you mention it
Also the first Green Rider installment is so good it could technically be read as a standalone if you dont wanna find out what happens @FunFantasyBooks
"House of many ways" is even better than "Howl's moving castle" (same author) and also has Ghibli vibes. From Terry Pratchett, I love the books of Death and the witches.
I am also a House of Many ways fan. I feel it's slept on. The middle book Castle in the Air was okay but not until the end do you really understand Howl Sophie and Cal were there the whole time. Worth a read tho.
I adored Six Crimson Cranes 🥰 One of my favorite reads last year. I was a little worried going into it because i loved the fairy tale of the Wild Swans that SCC is a retelling of, and a lot of modern retellings (imo) seem to despise the original source material. So i was more than glad to see the heart of it was kept true in Elizabeth Lim's telling. I haven't read the sequel yet, for fear of it undoing all the things i loved about book 1. A lot of second books tend to do that, and i think i have the worst luck for it 😆 If you want another cozy fantasy, i can't recommend enough to read: Dealing with Dragons It's the book that got me into fantasy, where every character is aware they live in a fairy tale and have to abide by fairy tale rules -- it's a quick comfort read!
Aah some of my favorites such as Tress, House on Cerulean Sea an The long way to a small angry planet 😍😍 i was thinking about reading teller of small fortunes (mostly because of the cover) and spellshop 🙈😅
Loved the little drawings guiding the video, Isa :) you found a cosy way to talk about cosy hehe So happy to find The Night Circus there, I'm obsessed about this book! And, of course, you can't go wrong with The Discworld (Guards Guards was a great pick). And hey, you just convinced me to bump Psalm to the top of my TBR :) thank you
That's a great list. For me the spellshop fell really flat 😅. A fun world but really onedimensional character and relationship work, which I generally veer off from. Really liked Howl's moving Castle, House of the Cerulean sea and of course Legends and Latte's. Guards Guards and a lot of Terry Pratchet is great fun. Depending on your tendency to reflect, I feel Pratchet does not necessarily facilitate complete escapism.
I can recommend you " Las bestias olvidadas de Eld" (The Forgotten Beasts of Eld) by Patricia A. McKillip. I am not sure if it is cozy fantasy, but it is amazing beautiful book and as you and me have similar taste in books I imagine it could like you. And last year I read "Las mascotas del mundo transparente" by Jose Maria Merino, it is for children but I enjoyed it so much more than my kid, I assume that maybe it is more juvenil style, it is a short book, maybe you can give it a try if you have the opportunity to do so
I just finished The House in the Cerulean Sea, right after Tress of the Emerald Sea. LOVED LOVED LOVED Tress, but I found the first one somewhat meh, maybe too slice of life for my taste.
@FunFantasyBooks I also read The Hobbit for the first time in january and I'll read LOTR soon. Tress was my first Sanderson read and I cannot wait to read more from him! I haven't commented before, but I love your content! Love from Portugal! 😘
This is unrelated to the content of your video, but you should be congratulated that you did not fall into the booktuber bandwagon of publicly condemning Daniel Greene when he was falsely accused of SA. I wont fault you or anyone else if they initially took Naomi King's allegations seriously, but at the very least you waited until there was better evidence and verification. Both Innocence until proven guilty (which i do not mean in a rigidly legal sense of post-conviction, but based on the sheer weight of the evidence available for public scrutiny) as well as taking allegations of SA seriously are very important, neither should be neglected at any point. Seeing your video posting history, you could have felt compelled to release a video condemning Daniel Greene even without evidence that he is guilty, as certain other booktubers did, but you never did personally. Good Job, and Good Luck to you!
As someone with Roma/Traveller heritage, Teller of Small Fortunes employs both cultural appropriation and racist stereotypes. The cover shows a Romany vardo and the story draws on Romany and Traveller culture and stereotypes, which the author doesnt even acknowledge. She heavily romanticises Traveller life as something one 'chooses' as an 'escape' when Roma/Traveller ppl especially nomadic are the most marginalised ppl in UK and Europe on nearly every metric. A racial slur t*nker is also used in this book. Im disgusted and furious the author and publisher have brought this out and readers and reviewers dont appear to have even noticed. Anti-gypsyism really is the only racism that still goes completely unacknowledged. Please please sto promoting this book.
Fantasy should never be cozy.. Hell, faerie tales shouldn't be cozy...in every ancient society their myths or "fantasy" was never cozy... that's why people are so soft and brittle today..our stories are soft and brittle..
I think Fantasy is a massive genre that allows for a lot of different stories- same as with mystery we can find cozy mysteries, same thing is happening with fantasy and I think it’s great!
@HellBoy-id6ss yeah I'm pretty sure Travis Baldree would disagree with you. Same with the other authors intentionally writing cozy fantasy because many readers love it. Who made you the Supreme Court of Fantasy? There are no rules. We are all just here to enjoy stories. If you don't like cozy fantasy, don't read it. Stop being so judgemental about what other people like to read.
I just want to say how much I appreciate you. Your channel is wholesome and a restful place for me to unwind and find some marvellous books I almost am guaranteed to love
Ahh thank you so much for this! It is an incredibly kind comment, which I really appreciate!
I'm a bit surprised how many of these I've even read, much less can count as books I loved. Teller of Small Fortunes, Emily Wilde, A River Enchanted, Yumi, Guards Guards, Tress, all wonderful books. Yumi in particular I really loved.
Haha surprised is a good thing I guess?
It feels like you raided my bookshelf! ❤
This is a nice collection of books. I too enjoy reading and creating book review youtube shorts.
Thanks for a great video! I’ve read most of these and really enjoyed them.
Thank you!! Oh awesome, any you’d like to recommend to me / others?
What a great list, and just at the perfect time. I've read way more of these than I thought I would have, and have added the rest to my wishlist! I'm really in the mood for cosy vibes ❤
Yay Emma! I was also in a cozy mood, hoping those recs will be great reads for you!
Love the B roll and different camera angles. Great list.
Ahh thank you for letting me know! Will do more!
Glad to have found this and really like the channel. Unfortunately my Reading list(S) are crowded as always 🤣 but I will definitively save this video, so when I free it up a bit, I can check the titles I liked 😊
Hahaha wonderful! Thank you!
I’ve only read five of these, sadly. But thanks to you I’ve added several of the others to my TBR. ❤
I hope you love them!!
Hooray for Terry Pratchett!❤ Whenever life drags me down I always turn to one or three or five of his books and everything brightens up. 😊
Hahah i tend to do that with Andy Weir! But i can totally see how Pratchett would work beautifully as well!!
I love your pen on paper sketches!
Haha thank you! I do what I can 🥲
You hit on so many I love! The Spellshop, Emily Wilde, Yumi, The House in the Cerulean Sea are all some of my favorites. I see a lot here that will go on my wish list for sure.
Yes!! I hope you enjoy the ones newly added to your TBR!
How is it possible you make me increase my bucket list so fast... every time I watch one of your videos I have to take note quite a few new books I feel I NEED to read soon. Please stop, I don´t know if I will have enough life for so many books. haha I love you mentioned Peter Beagle because I am a big fan of The last unicorn, and the edition you showed is incredible beautiful.
By the way, I liked the way you started with the books one side and you go flipping each one meanwhile you mention it
Hahahah this makes me so happy! A job well done!
I love this list and so many of these books! I really need to read The Spellshop.
I hope you love it if you end up picking it up!
If you loved House on the Cerulean Sea then I highly recommend Under the Whispering Door. One of my favorites!
I read it and really enjoyed it! Also read In The Lives of Poppets! Not as great but still charming!
Really enjoyed Tress and Yumi and 4 others off your list. I would recommend Kristen Britain's Spirit of the Wood.
Ahh thank you for the recommendation!!
Also the first Green Rider installment is so good it could technically be read as a standalone if you dont wanna find out what happens @FunFantasyBooks
@@jamie.does.things5531 I keep looking for book 1 all I've seen at the library is book 2
"House of many ways" is even better than "Howl's moving castle" (same author) and also has Ghibli vibes. From Terry Pratchett, I love the books of Death and the witches.
Oh I still need to read it! Thanks for the recommendation 🫶
I am also a House of Many ways fan. I feel it's slept on. The middle book Castle in the Air was okay but not until the end do you really understand Howl Sophie and Cal were there the whole time. Worth a read tho.
I adored Six Crimson Cranes 🥰 One of my favorite reads last year. I was a little worried going into it because i loved the fairy tale of the Wild Swans that SCC is a retelling of, and a lot of modern retellings (imo) seem to despise the original source material. So i was more than glad to see the heart of it was kept true in Elizabeth Lim's telling.
I haven't read the sequel yet, for fear of it undoing all the things i loved about book 1. A lot of second books tend to do that, and i think i have the worst luck for it 😆
If you want another cozy fantasy, i can't recommend enough to read: Dealing with Dragons
It's the book that got me into fantasy, where every character is aware they live in a fairy tale and have to abide by fairy tale rules -- it's a quick comfort read!
Thank you for the recommendation! Sounds great!
Aah some of my favorites such as Tress, House on Cerulean Sea an The long way to a small angry planet 😍😍 i was thinking about reading teller of small fortunes (mostly because of the cover) and spellshop 🙈😅
Hahaha the cover I agree is awesome and the book is very cozy and subtle 🥹🎊
I'm a huge fan of slice of life cozy. Anything else seems to miss for me. But some good suggestions here!
Wattttt I thought cozy/ epic would work best for you! Best slice of life books are awesome!
@@FunFantasyBooks I don't know. I see things like Legends & Lattes get big and I clearly just don't get it ha ha
Haha fair- it is not for everyone!
Haa! A list for me! Thanks! ❤️
Hahahah my pleasure Kiala!
Guards Guards is my favourite book
It’s a phenomenal book!
I need to give another try to the night circus. The first attempt didn't go well, but I didn't give up just yet...
Hahaha it is fine if you are not enjoying it! Don’t force it! but yeah- it is a very “this is all about the vibes/ mood read” kind of book!
Amazing reccs Isa. I have not read 5 of them.
Thank you so much Suman!
Loved the little drawings guiding the video, Isa :) you found a cosy way to talk about cosy hehe
So happy to find The Night Circus there, I'm obsessed about this book! And, of course, you can't go wrong with The Discworld (Guards Guards was a great pick).
And hey, you just convinced me to bump Psalm to the top of my TBR :) thank you
YESSSS for Psalm being at the top of your TBR! 👏👏- haha thank you for letting me know!
That's a great list. For me the spellshop fell really flat 😅. A fun world but really onedimensional character and relationship work, which I generally veer off from. Really liked Howl's moving Castle, House of the Cerulean sea and of course Legends and Latte's. Guards Guards and a lot of Terry Pratchet is great fun. Depending on your tendency to reflect, I feel Pratchet does not necessarily facilitate complete escapism.
I can agree with that feeling with Pratchett! His books are funny but not silly as are usually full of satire and reflection!
Yes, I need this ❤
Hahaha so happy you enjoyed it!
I can recommend you " Las bestias olvidadas de Eld" (The Forgotten Beasts of Eld) by Patricia A. McKillip. I am not sure if it is cozy fantasy, but it is amazing beautiful book and as you and me have similar taste in books I imagine it could like you. And last year I read "Las mascotas del mundo transparente" by Jose Maria Merino, it is for children but I enjoyed it so much more than my kid, I assume that maybe it is more juvenil style, it is a short book, maybe you can give it a try if you have the opportunity to do so
Thank you! I didn’t know them! Will make sure to check it out!
I just finished The House in the Cerulean Sea, right after Tress of the Emerald Sea. LOVED LOVED LOVED Tress, but I found the first one somewhat meh, maybe too slice of life for my taste.
Fair enough!! It does seem you like your stories with a higher conflict level 🫶 (like Tress!!)
@FunFantasyBooks I also read The Hobbit for the first time in january and I'll read LOTR soon. Tress was my first Sanderson read and I cannot wait to read more from him! I haven't commented before, but I love your content! Love from Portugal! 😘
This is unrelated to the content of your video, but you should be congratulated that you did not fall into the booktuber bandwagon of publicly condemning Daniel Greene when he was falsely accused of SA. I wont fault you or anyone else if they initially took Naomi King's allegations seriously, but at the very least you waited until there was better evidence and verification.
Both Innocence until proven guilty (which i do not mean in a rigidly legal sense of post-conviction, but based on the sheer weight of the evidence available for public scrutiny) as well as taking allegations of SA seriously are very important, neither should be neglected at any point. Seeing your video posting history, you could have felt compelled to release a video condemning Daniel Greene even without evidence that he is guilty, as certain other booktubers did, but you never did personally. Good Job, and Good Luck to you!
Thank you so much 🫶🥹
As someone with Roma/Traveller heritage, Teller of Small Fortunes employs both cultural appropriation and racist stereotypes. The cover shows a Romany vardo and the story draws on Romany and Traveller culture and stereotypes, which the author doesnt even acknowledge. She heavily romanticises Traveller life as something one 'chooses' as an 'escape' when Roma/Traveller ppl especially nomadic are the most marginalised ppl in UK and Europe on nearly every metric. A racial slur t*nker is also used in this book. Im disgusted and furious the author and publisher have brought this out and readers and reviewers dont appear to have even noticed. Anti-gypsyism really is the only racism that still goes completely unacknowledged. Please please sto promoting this book.
Fantasy should never be cozy.. Hell, faerie tales shouldn't be cozy...in every ancient society their myths or "fantasy" was never cozy... that's why people are so soft and brittle today..our stories are soft and brittle..
I think Fantasy is a massive genre that allows for a lot of different stories- same as with mystery we can find cozy mysteries, same thing is happening with fantasy and I think it’s great!
Not everyone needs to like and read the same books. If someone needs the comfort of cozy fantasy, then they should be able to read it.
@camsgotbricks4628 If you want to insult a writer of any genre, tell them that their work is "cozy"...
@HellBoy-id6ss yeah I'm pretty sure Travis Baldree would disagree with you. Same with the other authors intentionally writing cozy fantasy because many readers love it. Who made you the Supreme Court of Fantasy? There are no rules. We are all just here to enjoy stories. If you don't like cozy fantasy, don't read it. Stop being so judgemental about what other people like to read.
@camsgotbricks4628 you seem a little triggered there softie...maybe it's from too much reading cozy fantasy...try reading something with backbone 😈